Chapter 5

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"You're not having anything either, Caoi?" I hear Jenny ask her. They're sitting together in the corner of the room broken away from the crowd.

"I might. Maybe later. I don't know."

"Well, I'm just going to nurse my sprite and hope no one notices," Jenny sighs. "I wish I could get into partying like everyone else."

Jenny's parents were killed in a drunk driving accident when she was 12 and because of it Jenny doesn't drink. When we're all hanging out, if Jenny is with us, Walker usually abstains as well. He's not here, however, so it looks like Jenny will be doing the sober routine solo. Although, knowing Caoilainn like I do, I bet she isn't drinking so that Jenny doesn't have to not drink alone.

Not that Coailainn is a big drinker, anyway. She's a light weight and doesn't handle alcohol well. With Jenny here by herself tonight I'm glad to know Caoilainn won't be drinking either. A lot of my teammates go on the prowl at these parties. Someone shy like Caoilainn would be easy pickings.

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. I'm relieved to know I won't have to worry about Caoilainn tonight. I lean down and smile at my date. Now I can focus on her.

I take one last look in Caoilainn's direction intending to join the crowd around us afterwards.

Caoilainn dips her pretzel sticks into a little bowl of creamy peanut butter she's holding in the palm of her hand. I glance around but don't see any peanut butter dip or jars sitting out anywhere. Where'd she find that stuff?

"Caoilainn," a guy yells at her from across the party. "You got enough of that or do you want more, Babe?" I swing my head in the direction of his voice.

It's Archer. He's hollering over the crowd so Caoilainn can hear him.

Did he just call her Babe?

I turn back to Caoilainn to catch her response and stumble in my step. Corrine catches my arm to steady me.

"Easy, Tiger," she says with a grin. "Almost went over." I look down at Corrine and notice her wanton smile. The term, 'stars in her eyes' could be coined by looking at her. Damn she has it bad. I can't help but feel a bit of pride in knowing I put that look in her eyes. My self-administered pat on the back is short-lived, however, when I see Caoilainn smiling over towards Archer.

Worse, right then, Walker opens the front door behind me and enters the house followed by Cian, Siofra, Courtney and Pearl quick on his heels. Jenny stands up and goes over to offer her friends a hug. "Thank Goodness! I didn't think you guys were ever going to get here!" she gushes.

"Neither did we, but here we are as planned," Walker replies. "Hey, Caoilainn," he says as she unfolds her legs from under her and starts to walk across the room to the kitchen.

"Hey, Walker. Hi, Cian.

Ladies," she answers, hugging everyone from the side as she passes.

"Jenny, I'm going to grab something to drink now that everyone is here. I'll be back."

Aw, man.

I check out Caoilainn's bowl and see that there is a little empty place in the middle that wasn't there before. It was full a second ago. In fact, when I steal a glance at it as she walks by, never even looking at me, but whispering a lukewarm hello as she passes, (the kind reserved for people you cross in the street) it still appears to have a lot in it. Of course, now it looks like it has been pushed around some. It is spread out in her dish but it's all still there. If I had to guess, I'd say she made it look like that on purpose.

When Caoilainn reaches Archer, he drapes a lazy arm across her half-naked shoulder. When did Caoilainn start wearing tops like that? And why is Archer leaning back to look at her ass? Yeah, those jeans are smoking on her tonight. And, of course those little high heal boots do make her look---aw, shit. Did he just offer her a drink?

"Something wrong, Tadhg?" Corrine asks concerne, turning in to look towards me from the side. I see her glance between myself and Caoilainn. She doesn't look happy.

"Hey Tadhg," Pearl chimes, coming up on my other side and making me flinch. She hands me something cold and I accept it with relief. "You were looking good out on that field tonight before the scrum collapse. Nice play against the Roses," she comments, wiping some foam from the top of her red solo cup. "I see you have a nice play going on off the field, too." I almost choke on my drink when she continues to tease me. "Of course sometimes it's better to pass than try to make an ill-played goal, don't you think?"

When she looks Corrine up and down pointedly Corrine stares daggers back at her.

I'm momentarily speechless.

Pearl looks over to where Archer is now shamelessly flirting with Caoilainn. Caoilainn takes a sip and I can tell from here, by the sour look on her face, that it must be something strong.

I feel a lump of disgust form in the pit of my stomach.

"What the---what is that supposed to mean, Pearl?" Corrine sneers from across my chest, wrapping her arms around my shoulders, as if hanging on for dear life. "Tadhg's here with me. Why don't you buzz off? Don't you have some boy toy play thing to chase after?"

"My boys chase after me, darling," Pearl replies taking a long sip from her drink. When she zeros in on Brody outside in the backyard she finishes her drink in one large gulp and catches me starring at her. "Looks like I need a refill, Tadhg. Time to get some more," she sighs.

"By the way, you better watch out, Mr. VIP. I think someone's about to jackal your ball if you're not careful." Before she leaves Pearl shakes her head in the direction of the kitchen and raises her eyebrows in a knowing look. I snap my head up and to the side and watch as Caoilainn disappears around the corner with Archer.


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