Chapter 24

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I feel a shoulder slam into mine and look up to find a very drunk Brody at my side.

I text Emilia that I gotta go and turn my phone off. I can't believe how well things have been going between the two of us. I never thought I'd find someone to like as much as I did Caoilainn, but when he returns I have to thank Tadhg. He did me a favor getting Emilia's phone number. She's such a fun person to talk to; full of weird quirks that make me laugh in a good way. She's serious when she needs to be, but otherwise it's nice having a girlfriend who I can joke around and share things with. We have a date planned for next Friday night and I'm looking forward to it.

I stick my phone in my pocket before turning to look at Brody, and take a sip of my beer.

"What's up, Brody?"

"Did you know, Nick?" He slurs at me.

Distracted, I look around the room and see Pearl slowly making her way towards the couch we're sitting on. She stops to talk to someone along the way.

Is that a glass of milk in her hand? What in the world is she doing with that at a party like this?

"Know what?" I ask turning my attention back to Brody, hoping it's something else other than what I'm thinking.

"About her and Fionn," he replies, holding up his cup with a smile to Pearl. From across the room it must look like he's toasting her. I can see he's upset and about to explode, however.

A screen door slams behind us and I turn to look and see who's come in.

Oh, no.

"Hey, guys," I hear Fionn yell out to me and Brody. "What's goin' on?"

Fionn has a red solo cup in his hand. He must've stopped off at the keg on his way inside. Brody starts to laugh manically next to me. I slowly inch my way away from him, standing up and turning to leave as Fionn gets closer.

"Where you going, Nick?" Brody asks me, standing up. "Don't leave. We were just starting to have ourselves a little chat. Weren't we, friend?"

He knocks his cup into mine and beer foam spills over the side.

I put my drink down on the end table next to my thigh and close my eyes. When Fionn appears on my right I turn to glare at him. When he notices my look he loses the smile.

First smart thing he's done in a while.

"What's wrong, Nick?" he asks me. I turn to look towards Brody who's attempting to stay on his feet, but is swaying more than he's standing.

"Oh, there's nothing wrong with Nick, Fionn," Brody says, gulping some beer from his cup. When he drains it, he drops it on the floor at his feet. "You on the other hand, now that's a different story."

Fionn looks at me and turns back to Brody. "What were you guys talking about?"

"You think you're so fucking smart, don't you, Fionn?" Brody sneers, poking Fionn in the chest while trying to focus on him.

Brody's very drunk and it shows.

"What? Did you think I wouldn't find out?" he continues, knocking Fionn's full cup of beer out of his hand. Like a fountain, it sprays everywhere.

"You were my friend!"

"What the hell, Brody?" Fionn says, shaking his wet hands and looking at the mess of beer all over the floor at our feet.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Pearl stop in her tracks. She was making her way over to Brody but now that Fionn has arrived, she's standing as still as a statue, starring at the three of us. I see her put her hand to her stomach and almost lose my shit. No fucking way.

Fionn looks at me and then follows my line of sight. When it lands on Pearl I can see the look he gives her to clear out. I can tell he didn't see what she just did.

Unfortunately, Pearl doesn't take Fionn's advice. She starts to move forward towards us.

I turn back to look at Brody and realize that his fists are closed at his side. The closer Pearl gets, the angrier he looks.

"Look, Brody, I'm not sure what you think's going on-" Fionn starts but doesn't get a chance to finish.

While he may be drunk, Brody's no lightweight. When he lands a swing at Fionn, I hear bone crunch.

I close my eyes and then jump forward to pull him off Fionn. Not the smartest idea on my behalf. In my rush to help Fionn, I end up taking one in the eye from Brody.

"Shit, Nick," Brody stutters. "I didn't mean to hit you. I was trying-"

But Brody's cut off as Fionn lands a hit to his stomach. After that, I step back and let them have at it. Pearl screams from across the room and then spills her milk everywhere as she rushes to Fionn's side. He's doubled over after taking a kidney shot.

"You bitch!" Brody hollers at her. "You two-timing, bitch! I loved you! You were everything to me! All this time you've been sleeping with Fionn, haven't you? You spread your legs for him, but not –"

Brody never finishes his sentence because Fionn tackles him to the ground. The sound of wood splintering cuts through the crowd as an end table is destroyed. Someone turns the music off. Brody and Fionn are rolling around, swapping punches and grunts, as people try to get out of their way.

I rub my eyes and groan over at Archer who has just entered the house from the kitchen. He catches my glance and in words unspoken we move in silent agreement to get between Brody and Fionn. After taking a couple of hits to our ribs and face we manage to break them apart.

Archer tosses Brody behind him, through the kitchen and out the back door.

I hold onto Fionn in the living room.

Since Fionn is standing on his own two feet, albeit bruised and battered, Pearl runs off towards the kitchen to check on Brody. I can hear him vomiting off the porch.

"Get away from me, Pearl, you dirty whore!" I hear Brody yell at her. She's crying and pleading with him but he just keeps yelling at her. It's all I can do to hold Fionn back again. He's out of his head with bloodlust for Brody.

Eventually, Archer gets Brody out of the yard and into his truck to take him home. I sigh in relief. I let Fionn go and he shakes himself off, rubbing some blood from his busted lip.

Fionn holds his bloodied left hand in his right and yells at no one in particular.



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