Chapter 69

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Irish Name Pronunciation

"Oisin" sounds like "Oh- sheen"

"Bradan" sounds like "Bray-dawn".


"Uf! Ah," I grunt. "Siofra, Jenny, come on. Help me. I can't sit up on my own. Oh my goodness, just look at my ankles. They're so swollen. They look like sausages. Guys, help," I moan, calling out to them.

I feel like a beached whale. When I sat down, the couch sucked me in and now I can't get back out of it to sit up. My little one jumps around on my bladder and it's all I can do not to lose my breath. Oh, that hurt. Geez, these back pains are killing me today.

Jenny appears and giggles above me. "," she hollers behind her.

Siofra enters her mother's living room laughing from the kitchen. We stopped by for a visit but her mom is out much to our dismay. I've been hoping to speak with her. Rumor has it she has a home remedy for swollen pregnancy discomfort, which is something I'm all about at this point in my conefinement.

"I have the chocolate milk, Caoi," Siofra says, tugging on my wrists. "Come on, sit up and drink it." There's a blue-and-white-striped bendy straw sticking out of my glass.

"Ohhh, I love you guys," I exclaim in pregnant ecstasy, closing my eyes and taking a sip. "Mmm. This baby loves his chocolate milk as much as I do."

"He?" Jenny asks, looking at me curiously. "Did you find out you're having a boy, Caoilainn? I thought they couldn't tell."

"Yeah, no, I mean, I didn't find out. I've just been calling the baby 'him' and 'her' alternatively, taking turns. I can't bear to refer to her as an 'it'. That just seems wrong, you know?"

Siofra smiles. I take another sip and hear a knock on the front door. Siofra looks down the hall away from me and then turns back. "Who could that be?"

Siofra runs to answer the door with Jenny on her heals. I shift forward, doing my best to get to my feet. Uh, this little man is so heavy.

Ow! Oh my gosh, that hurt, Little one. What are you trying to do to me, baby girl?

As I rise I feel a pop and look down in alarm. Oh my Gosh!

I can hear voices coming from the entranceway followed by a loud exclamation. I'm not sure what's more alarming; the warm goo slowly trailing down my legs or the sound of Siofra's shocked voice as I turn the hall to take in the scene before me. I hold onto the doorframe for support as a contraction tightens my stomach like a fist sending spasms to my back that bring me to my knees.

When I glance up I see little boy who looks an awful lot like Fionn.

What in the world?

I look up and blink. What's Pearl doing here? Whose child is that?

"Guys," I groan between pains. "Um, guys, I...I need to get to the hospital."

I mean to speak loud enough for them to hear me but the contraction swallows my voice and it comes out in barely a whisper.

"What do you mean this is Fionn's son?" I hear Siofra exclaim in a panic.

Holy shit!

Oh my Goooshhh. I have to get to a hospital or Fionn's son is going to have a playmate born right here in Siofra's house.

"Guys," I try again. This time they hear me and turn to see me falling down the wall, my legs no longer able to support me.

Immediately, everyone swings into action. Jenny runs to get her purse and keys while I try to stand up again. Siofra's eyes widen and I hear her curse. "Holy cannoli, Caoilainn!" She runs over to help me up, calling up the stairs for her brother as she does.

"Fionn!" She hollers. "FIONN BRADAN O'DEA GET DOWN HERE!"

Jenny comes back and helps Siofra heft me to my feet. I start to pant, trying to get my breathing under control as another contraction hits in a wave that threatens to topple me. When Fionn appears, he takes in the scene and rushes to get under my other side, moving Jenny out of the way.

"Cripes, Caoilainn," Fionn exclaims. "Come on. Let's move you to Jenny's car. We gotta get you to a hospital."

"Not we," I gasp back.

"What?" he says stopping and looking confused.

"Not we," I say again. "Me and the girls."

"You don't want my help?" he asks, hurt by what he thinks is a slight against him.

"No," I say, putting my hand on his gently. "You need to stay here and take care of your son," I respond between breathes.

At this point Fionn takes his hand away like I've dropped a hot coal in it. He steps back and looks around. Noticing Pearl for the first time, and most especially his son, Fionn's eyes dilate.

"WHAT?" he exclaims startled. He looks like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Your son," Pearl replies calmly. "This is your son, Fionn. His name is Oisin Callum O'Dea. You're his dad."

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