Chapter 43

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"Good morning, Tadhg," I hear from somewhere close. "How are you today?"

I turn my head to the right, but I don't see anyone. "Tadhg, can you turn to look at me?"

Where's that voice coming from? There's no one in this room with me and yet-

"Tadhg," I hear her again. "Can you turn your head to the left a little more?" I nod my head and then move it to the left.

Oh, there she is.

"Who are you?" I ask. I've never seen this woman before. She seems to know who I am, though. That's strange.

"You don't remember me, Tadhg?" she asks.

I purse my lips and shake my head. "No."

"I'm Ms. Nayoko," she says, as if I should remember her.

"I'm your therapist. We've been meeting each day this past week. Do you remember speaking with me?"

"The mashed potatoes were nasty yesterday," I tell her, thinking about how awful lunch was the day before. "There were lumps in them. The cook thought we wouldn't notice, but I did. Even the gravy they gave us couldn't hide the lumps."

Ms. Nayoko turns her head slightly as if to better understand me. "Oh, you mean before we got together? You're remembering what you had for lunch yesterday. Yes, you're correct. We did speak after your lunch yesterday."

"Duh," I snort, aggravated. Why do I have to repeat myself so much all the time? "That's what I said, didn't I?"

Now it's Ms. Nayoko's turn to purse her lips at me. "Actually, you said something a little bit different than that, Tadhg, but let's move on. Ok?"

"Ok," I agree with a sigh.

"So, I'm Ms. Nayoko," she starts again. "and today we're going to do a few exercises to help with some of the issues you've been experiencing. First, we'll-"

"I'm not having any issues!" I blurt, interrupting Ms. Nayoko. "What are you talking about? There's nothing wrong with me. I'm fine." I fold my arms across my chest and look at Ms. Nayoko defiantly. Just who does this woman think she is, coming into my room, saying things that don't make sense?

"Ok," Ms. Nayoko attempts quietly. "Let's try to work together for a little while, then, and see where things go from there."

It's not like I have anything better to do. All I do is sit around, starring at the walls. Sometimes I go for a walk out in the gardens. That's nice. I like being out there. It reminds me of our woods and-

"Tadhg," the woman says to me again. I turn my head in frustration towards her voice. "What?!" I ask her, exasperated. "What do you want?"

As I calm back down, Ms. Nayoko smiles at me and pats my hand. "Let's get started," she says to me.

She takes her hand away from the table and leans over to reach into a bag on her lap.

"Ok, Tadhg," she says, sitting up and placing various objects on the table before me. "Please tell me what you see on the table."

Is this lady serious? What am I two-years-old now?

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. When I open them, I let the woman know what I see; a comb, a pair of keys and a pair of reading glasses.

"That's great, Tadhg," she says encouragingly. "Now, can you tell me if you see anything else?"

I look at the table and see the same three objects.

"No," I reply, shooing her question away with the swipe of my right hand. "That's it."

"Let's try again," she instructs me. "but this time, follow my finger with your eyes." I do as she says, turning my head left to keep her finger in my line of sight. To my surprise and confusion, I see that there is a charm bracelet and a chocolate chip cookie in a bowl on the table.

"Oh," I laugh to myself, thinking of an incident in boot camp. "Chips, you idiot. Damn sand was in my hair for a week after that night!"

"Tadhg," the woman beckons. "Tadhg, what did you see when you followed my finger?"

"What the hell, woman?" I yell at her. "Can't you see you're aggravating me? Cripes! Why don't you just leave me alone? I was having a good time remembering something."

Ms. Nayoko frowns. "Tadhg," she repeats my name patiently. "I know this can be trying at times but it's really important we work on focusing during our sessions." Her hands rest on the table as she waits.

"Now please, let's try this again. Follow my finger and tell me what else you see."

I do as she says rolling my eyes in the process. Then blurt, "bracelet, chocolate chip cookie".

Since it looks so good I pick up the cookie and start to eat it. Before I can swallow a bite I turn and spit the cookie out of my mouth and onto the rugged floor.

"Yuck!" I gag. "What kind of chocolate chip cookie was that?"

I get up to find a water fountain or something to drink from. "That was disgusting." I complain to myself.

I almost make it to the table in my room where I left my water bottle, when I trip over something. "Damn it!" I yell. "What was that?" I ask aloud to myself. A sharp pain is radiating up my body from somewhere down near my leg.

Someone comes up from behind me. "Tadhg," I hear her say before I see her. "Tadhg, come on. You walked into the door. Let me help you."

I turn to the left and see this strange little woman trying to hold onto me. I lurch from her grasp. "Get off me," I holler at her. "Who're you?"

The woman takes a step back and sighs. Then she smiles and says to me gently. "I'm Ms. Nayoko, Tadhg. We were just speaking a few seconds ago. Come on, let's go back to the other side of the room and I'll re-explain the situation. Here," she says holding a water bottle out to me. "You wanted this. It's to wash down the salt cookie I brought you."

"Salt cookie?" I ask with surprise. "Why would you do that?"

"It's to help with impulse control," she replies carefully. "We have to help you to remember to ask before grabbing and eating something that may not be good for you."

"But," I start to defend myself. What kind of cock-a-mamie thing is this woman trying to do to me? "That's-"

"I know, Tadhg," Ms. Nayoko explains again, interrupting me. "I know. Come on. Let's sit down together and try again. Later on we're going to work up to keeping a journal. I think that might help with some things."


Resource for the YouTube video above:  

Title: Therapy for Right Brain Injury

By: Eugene Speech Therapy

Published On: March 16, 2017
This Chapter Inspired by this Mock Therapy Session: Alaynakay. (2009). RHD demonstration. Web Search 15 January 2019. YouTube Source:

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