Chapter 23

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"Coda was great, Nick!" Caoilainn exclaims excitedly. "Thank you so much for bringing him tonight. Rian did so much better than last week. I'm so happy for her."

"Anytime, Caoilainn," I tell her, looking around and doing my best not to blush like a girl while rubbing Coda behind the ears. "Coda loved it. I'm glad he could help," I tell her.

Between making Caoilainn smile, and knowing we helped Rian, I feel great. Until I look over at the pub, that is. Tadhg's working tonight and I can see his glare from here.

I sigh inwardly.

"Alright, so," I start to tell Caoilainn. "I'm gonna go get a drink and then I'm outta here. I'll see you later. Tell Rian's mom we can stop by again next week if she likes."

"Oh, ok," Caoilainn replies. "Yeah, I have to get back to the class anyway. I'll let you know what Mrs. Holloran says. Thanks, Nick." She bends over to hug Coda goodbye and then she's gone in a blur of hard shoes and tights. I stand there for a moment longer before turning to face the music at the pub. Looking down at Coda, I rub his head.

"Come on, boy, let's go say hello to Tadhg," I whisper. "Make sure he knows I'm not here to invade his territory."

Contrary to what Tadhg might think, I don't intend to try anything with Caoilainn. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to. Seriously. If not for him, I'd waste no time trying to date Caoilainn. But, that's not my style. I don't date other people's girls, especially not those of my friends.

I frown. Hmmm...I wish someone else I knew followed that code.

Anyway, unless she tells me otherwise, Caoilainn's off my wish list. Until or if she becomes single again, I'll just have to guard my heart and look elsewhere. Not that I'll be mean to her. I'd never do that either. She's still my friend, but it's just not my style to covet what isn't mine to take.

As I approach the bar, Tadhg lifts his chin in a sign of hello. I grab a barstool and take a seat, tugging Coda next to me and handing him a rawhide to chew on while us guys chat.

Tadhg quietly turns. He retrieves a bottle of Dalmore from behind a shelf in the back of the bar, and two glasses. While his back is to me, I raise my eyebrows and shoot a curious look towards Coda, who just stares at me as if to say, "I don't know, either."

Tadhg puts the glasses in front of us, pouring a pair of neat whiskies. Picking one up, he holds it out in front of me and offers a sign of toast before swinging it back. I look him in the eye and do the same.

A few seconds pass in silence and I wait for it.

Tadhg has something to say and I plan to sit back and let him get to it.

"Got something for you, Nick," he says while looking at the glasses before us, and pouring two more heavy shots.

"Oh yeah," I reply, picking up my glass to down more whiskey with him. Coda stops chewing his bone to look up at me before picking it up again. Good thing my house is in walking distance from the I-S.

As Tadhg refills my glass with one hand, he reaches into his back pocket with the other. "Yeah, been thinking about the other night," he tells me.

"At the pond, you mentioned Emilia Passon, remember?"

Meeting Tadhg's eyes and pausing my glass midway in the air, I reply cautiously, "Yeah, what about her?"

I'm surprised Tadhg remembers my truth or dare fumble. He was pretty busy staring at Caoilainn that night. Though come to think of it, I do remember catching his eyes a couple of times when I was doing the same thing.

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