Chapter 21

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YouTube source for video above: yovanny petit. (2013). Riverdance. Web Search 23 January 2020. Website:

"Good grief, Tadhg," she exclaims jumping in the air. "You scared the crap out of me. I didn't even hear you come in."

I laugh. Good to know I can still sneak up on her.

"I called out when I came in," I reply. As Caoillainn removes the ear buds from her ear I understand why she never heard the door open or my approach. I had just closed up the bar and was getting ready to leave when I heard someone banging around in the club's kitchen. Not wanting to leave without saying goodnight, I came down the hall to say goodbye.

"I didn't even know you were still here tonight, Caoi," I reprimand. "If I hadn't of heard you back here, I would have gone and you'd have been left all alone. With those earbuds in, anyone could walk right in and you'd never know it."

"Like you?" Caoillainn asks with a gleam in her eye. She walks back to the refrigerator and opens the door, taking out the milk and chocolate syrup. She removes her phone from her skirtband and puts it and her earbuds on the kitchen windowsill's Irish lace doily as she moves around.

"What are you still doing here? Did you have to teach a late class or something tonight?" I lean up against the industrial sink and watch as she grabs a plastic cup out of the overhead cabinet. When she reaches over to the utensils' drawer I notice her grabbing a straw along with a metal spoon.

"Yeah, though I've been distracted all night with everything that happened between Jenny and Walker*. My mind has been elsewhere, you know?" she replies.

I rub my aching lower back and stretch. "Not to mention Fionn, Pearl and Brody," I think to myself but don't say outloud. "Brody finding out is bound to cause trouble."

I'm still processing all that's happened in such a small window of time.

"I know," I say, yawning. "I wish Duncan wouldn't have done that to Walker this past weekend. It wasn't just him, and now with everything that Jenny's going have to recover alone without him...

"Hmmm," Caoilainn moans. "Even though Ruari was mad, I don't think he wanted things to end up this way for them either."

Caoilainn briefly steps forward and gives me a hug, followed by a sheepish smile, before moving back to the counter.

"Still, there is a selfish part of me that's happy to know that when you join Walker'll be by your side. I'm glad you'll have one anothers' back in the Marines. How wrong is it that I feel that way?"

Rubbing my eyes against my racing thoughts, I reply. "I don't like how things happened either, but then again, I can't complain too much. It's always better to have someone you trust with you when you're serving."

As we're talking I finally notice what Caoilainn's been doing, and snort at her. "Are you making chocolate milk?"

"Duh, Tadhg," she says laughing back at me. "What gave it away?"

I frown. "I haven't had chocolate milk in forever. It's for kids," I tell her.

Caoillainn responds by scowling at me as she scratches her ankle where her gillies' laces wrap around her poodle socks. "I think I have a mosquito bite under my socks, Tadhg. Must have happened when I walked the kids out to their parents from class tonight." Caoi adjusts her socks and then stands back up to look at me. The corner of her mouth lifts up and I see a look in her eyes that spells trouble.

"You know, Tadhg," she whispers bewitchingly while coming towards me with her cup in hand. She takes a sip of her drink through the straw and maintains eye contact with me as she gets closer. I back up slightly out of reflex and hit the back of the nearby countertop before stopping myself. When she's only standing a few inches in front of me, Caoilainn takes the straw out of her mouth and puts the cup down on a cutting board someone left out from earlier.

"I don't think chocolate milk is really for kids," she continues, licking her lips.

"Oh, no," I reply, my breath tripping in my throat. "I mean," I stutter. "It's not?"

"Mmmn-nnn," she says, turning around and walking back to grab the bottle of syrup from the sink top. "In fact, I think it's very much an adult drink."

I frown again. Adult? We are talking about chocolate milk here, right?

"Yeah," she goes on. "I really do."

"You see," she explains. "If I were to get a little bit of this syrup on me," she whispers seriously, and dripping the chocolate slowly down her pointer finger. "Well, then, someone would have to lick it off for me."

"They would?" I ask, electricity pulsing through my veins in a southward direction. "I mean," I say, clearing my throat. "Yeah, I think you're right. They would. But, who would do it?"

My little hellcat's eyes sparkle when she answers me. "I don't know, Tadhg. You know anyone who might volunteer for the job?" Chocolate continues to drip and she wipes some of it off with her hand before it can fall. Then she brings her hand up to her mouth to lick it.

"Well, I-" I start to reply but Caoilainn cuts me off.

"Because, if no one will do it, well, I guess I'll have to do it myself. Then Caoilainn closes her eyes and starts to lick her own finger, sucking the last bit of chocolate off of the end of it.

I swear to all that is good and holy and close my eyes. All of my blood immediately drains from my body and rushes to only one part. Suddenly, there's no Tadhg anymore. He is gone.

What's left behind is pure, primal, male predator.

I move forward with an instinctual drive that takes over. I reach out to grab her wrist and hold it in mine, my eyes never leaving hers. "Let me help you finish," I tell her in ragged breath.

As I suckle her finger I hear someone moan. I'm not sure if it's her or me. It doesn't matter.

When I open my eyes I notice a trace of chocolate syrup lining her lips. Stepping forward, I cup the back of Caoi's head and pull her forward. Just before our lips touch, I whisper to her. "You missed a spot. Let me get that for you."

As our mouths meet we melt together in decadent ecstasy. I can taste sugary cocoa on her tongue and it intoxicates me. Without thinking, I reach behind me and grab a hold of the chocolate syrup. Taking one tiny step backwards, I bring the bottle forward. Caoilainn's eyes open wide in surprise. They dilate as she looks from my eyes to the bottle. She's curious but doesn't move from where she stands. I can tell she trusts me; she doesn't twitch a muscle.

The only sound in the room is the hitch in her breath when I take the bottle and carefully upend it over her chest. She's only wearing a camisole leotard and skirt, so the syrup drips unhindered across the top of her bare breasts. At her gasp, I put the bottle back down and then lean in to suck the chocolate off of her. When I'm done, I look up at her. She leans forward to return my favor and licks my lips clean with her own.

Before long, we're on the kitchen floor, praying that we're the only ones spending a late night at the I-S club tonight. Any inspections of the facility now would definitely result in some major health code violations.

*To find out what happened to Jenny and Walker, please read the other half of this story, "There are No Words", which is also posted in it's entirety here on Wattpad.

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