Chapter 70

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When the nurse leaves with the baby, I close my eyes and sigh, smiling. I lean back against the pillow behind my head and take a cleansing breathe. When I hear a light knocking on the door to my room I open my eyes and look down at myself. I'm only wearing a gown but the blankets around me cover all the necessary parts. Everything has been cleaned up since the birthing process so it is safe for visitors at this point.

"Come in," I call out. When Walker pops his head cautiously around the door I laugh. "It's ok, Walker, you can come in. I'm decent."

"You sure, Caoi," he asks tentatively. "I can come back, if not."

"I'm sure," I reply cheerfully. "Come in, come in." Walker steps inside and I frown. "Where's Jenny?" Walker looks behind him instinctively.

"Oh, she's here," he says, laughing to himself. "No need to worry about that. She went down to the gift shop. She'll be right up. Don't worry."

I smile. "She didn't have to do that, Walker."

"Are you kidding me, Caoilainn?" He jokes. "We're talking about Jenny, aren't we? You know she's going to spoil the baby. Where is-" Walker's cut off, however, at another knock on my door.

"Hello," a welcome female voice says. "Is it ok for me to come in?" I look at Walker. His eyebrows have shot up and I can tell he recognizes the person knocking. He turns away from me to go to the door and open it.

"Candace?" he says surprised. "What are you doing here? I didn't know anyone had called you."

"Walker?" Candace replies. "I didn't realize you were visiting. I can come back later if-" Candace stops mid-point and looks at me. "Oh my goodness, how rude of me." Candace runs over and proceeds to hug me hello. I wrap my arms around her and return the gesture.

Finally, I get to meet Candace in person. No one knows it, but I've been talking to her via Facebook and on the phone for a few months now. When Tadhg came home and then disappeared, she got in touch. We've been talking back and forth ever since. I really like her. She's a great person.

Learning how good of a person Candace is, it's no wonder Jenny turned into the ugly, green, jealousy monster when  Candace arrived at Walker's cabin way back before his wedding. In addition to having a great personality, Candace is also gorgeous. All long legs, lush flowing hair and sparkling eyes that capture your attention. By her hug I can tell she's in very good shape as well. Unlike my own after-birth body, soft in all the right places for nourishing newborn babies, Candace's body is firm and trim. As a dancer, I can appreciate how hard that is to maintain. I bury my own envy by remembering the miracle of happiness that makes the two of us so different today. Speaking of which, where did the nurse get to with my-

"I've missed you so much!" I hear Candace say, embracing Walker in a hug. Walker looks at me uncomfortably and smiles, hugging Candace back. I can see his anxiety growing from here. I worry my bottom lip and try not to laugh. He sees my grin anyway and narrows his eyes accusingly at me from behind Candace.

Like a scene from a movie I watch Jenny bounce into the room full of balloons and plush and giggles. "Congrat...Congra...Congratulations, Caoilainn!" I watch the smile run from her beaming face as she takes in the scene before her.

Jenny doesn't have time to react, however, as the nurse enters the room. "Here we are, Little One. Back to your Mommy."

I smile as she hands the baby to me. I look up and thank her. She turns to leave and Jenny's cell phone rings.

"Hello?" I hear her say, while staring down at the bundle of joy in my arms.

"Un...Uncle Artair," Jenny says. "I don't un...understan...understand. What...saying?" Jenny looks up at me sharply and I can see alarm in her features. Walker has since unwrapped himself from Candace and goes to Jenny.

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