Chapter 47

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Opening the front door of our car, I bang my left shoulder into the frame when I stand out of my seat. I flinch at the insult and shield my eyes with my right hand. It's sunny today. Mother Nature's joke on me; she's obviously in a good mood, while I'm anything but.

Bustling around the airport with Caoilainn and my mom was quite the ordeal. All the activity has given me a headache. I'm glad to be home, but I feel unsettled. When I glance at our front yard I smile when I see our flag hanging from its pole. There's comfort in that at least.

"Hold on, Tadhg," Caoilainn calls out. "I'll be right there. Mom, can you unlock the front door for us?" I catch her ask, handing the keys over. It's nice hearing Caoilainn calling my mother mom.

"Of course," my mom responds walking ahead of us both. When Caoilainn approaches me on my left I'm not aware of her presence until she leans forward and calls my name.

"Crap," I jump. "You scared me. I didn't realize you were there."

"Sorry," she says. "The doctor told me that I should approach from this side to get you in the habit of looking to your left."

"Oh," I reply, scratching my right ear. "Still."

"Yeah, ah," she continues. "Shall we?"

"What?" I ask, turning back to her after forgetting what she was just saying. I had noticed that some of our garden flowers look like they've been nibbled on and was wondering if any deer are passing through the area. Caoilainn only frowns and tightens her hold on my arm. "Come on, Tadhg, let's go inside."

"Ok," I reply and we're off. It feels strange to lean on Caoilainn. I'm so much bulkier than her and yet she's the one holding my weight. It makes me feel uncomfortable so I try to pull away and stand more on my own, but then my head starts to sway and I have to stop so I don't topple us both over. I curse under my breath in aggravation.

"What's wrong?" Caoilainn asks.

"Nothing," I growl at her. "I'm fine. Come on. Keep moving. I want to get in the house." The last thing I need is to fall on my own doorstep. I'll be darned if I become the laughing stock of our neighborhood.

I make some noise about needing a nap once we get inside. Since she's been weary with worry since she first saw me at the airport, Caoilainn offers no resistance at letting me alone to sleep in our bedroom. We climb the stairs together and after some helicopter hovering on her behalf, making sure I have everything I need (clothes, water, medication, and on and on), I finally manage to shoo Caoilainn out of our room.

I need time alone to digest being home. Life with a brain injury. That's me. The new Tadhg. The word disabled rolls around on my tongue like a vinegar infection, leaving behind a sour aftertaste I'd rather not savor.

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