Chapter 49

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"Do you see them in there, Tadhg?" I ask him frantically. I'm running late for an appointment at a nearby school. I overslept and by the time I realized it I had to leap out of my bed to dress in a rush. A local preschool wants me to offer their students weekly lessons and it's a great opportunity to make some extra cash. With all the added therapy expenses, I'm really hoping they offer me the position. Two other schools are meeting with the preschool, however, after me so I wanted to bring my A-game to the table this morning. Getting out of bed late wasn't how I wanted to start my day. Ever since Tadhg moved home a few months ago, we've both been exhausted from trying to adjust to our new reality.

Dashing into the bathroom, I rip a brush through my exploding curls and try to corral them into a bun. As if they're mad at me for the rude awakening, they're rebelling in all directions doing their best to avoid the formal look I'm trying to tame them into.

I pop my head out of our bathroom and into the bedroom with a growl. "My keys," I ask Tadhg again. "Do you see them anywhere? I really need to get out of here. I'm so late."

"No, they're not here, Hellcat," Tadhg replies from his side of the bed, fidgeting with the bracelet from his therapist. He slips it on, stands and looks out the window in front of him. I can't see around him to the window ledge.

"Dammit!" I curse to myself. "What did I do with them?" I run into our room and run right past my nightstand and over to Tadhg's side to kiss him goodbye. Then I turn and fly out of the bedroom and run downstairs, tearing through everything in sight. Five minutes later, out of breath, and having ransacked the house, I'm standing still in the kitchen with my hands on my hips ready to blow a gasket. "WHERE are my keys?" I glance at the clock and curse. "Shit, I'm going to be late!"

Running back upstairs, because the keys can't be downstairs (I looked everywhere), I race back into our bedroom and stop short. "Tadhg!" I shout. "What gives? I thought you said my keys weren't in our room!" I yell at him, taking my frustration out on him.

"That's because they're not here," he says to me, getting irritated. "What's your problem? Why are you yelling at me?"

"Tadhg!" I repeat myself loudly. "The freaking keys are right here on the windowsill next to you! Man!"

"What?" he yells back at me. "You must have just put them there. They weren't there."

"Why would I do that, Tadhg? Dammit, I'm so late. Why can't you remember to turn your head? You have to LOOK Tadhg. It's important-"

"You're the one who lost the keys, Caoilainn. If you'd keep better track of your things you would know where they are. Don't you come yelling at me."

"But, Tadhg," I try to explain, frustrated. "They were right here! How can't you have seen them?"

"Because I'm fucked up, Caoilainn, dammit!" he yells back, and then more quietly, "You didn't see them either."

Feeling like the worst heal, I stop and look at Tadhg. He's angry enough to pound sand but is hurting, too and it's all my fault. Walking forward I put my hand on his shoulder and close my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Tadhg. I didn't mean that. I was wrong. I know I was. I'm sorry."

Tadhg is still pissed and looks like he wants to say 100 different things at me, but he's spinning his bracelet on his wrist and I can only guess at the self-restraint he's trying to maintain not to lose it.

"It's my fault," I repeat myself. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I know you didn't see them. I'm sorry."

"Yeah," he relents. "Whatever."

He turns to walk back to the bed and sit down. I move forward to give him a hug.

"I love you."

"I love you, too," he mumbles before I pull back to leave.

"I'll be home in a few hours," I tell him somberly before leaving.

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