Chapter 15

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Ms. Withers asked if I would mind picking up a book that she'd put on reserve at the library for our English class. She's always been nice to me and since I have to grab something there myself anyway, I agreed easily.

As I'm checking out at the front desk, a movement at the back of the room catches my eye. Was that Tadhg's jacket?

Smiling at the librarian after she scans my card, I scoop up my books and wander to the rear of the library. Inhaling, I confirm my suspicions. I can smell his cologne. Tadhg was just by here. Following the trail down the fiction section's steps I see him turn the corner of the sci-fi aisle, and following close behind him is Suzy Cambridge.

I reflexively squint my eyes and walk forward, forgetting the books I had come here to get. I drop them on a nearby table and stalk towards their voices. I can hear Suzy's fingernails-down-the-chalkboard voice as I approach. She's flirting shamelessly with Tadhg and it makes my vision blur.

That little shrew!

Taking a moment to calm myself, and remember that no one knows that Tadhg and I are dating, I stop in place near the biography area. When I hear Tadhg begin to protest, however, I put one foot in front of the other and come upon them, clearing my throat.

"Hey, Tadhg," I call out. "I thought that was you."

"Caoilainn!" he replies enthusiastically. "Thank goodness, I mean, hello," he stammers, trying to recover and not be rude to Suzy. Having no such mannerly reservations, I move in front of her, bumping my shoulder into hers, and give him a hug hello. I take in Tadhg's cologne, much closer now. When I hear Suzy call me a bitch behind us I smile. Take that you fecking wagon.

"My, my, aren't you two cozy all of a sudden?" Suzy scoffs at us. "Finally getting around to banging the ol' Coalhead, Tadhg? Adding another notch on your headboard, huh?"

If she were a guy talking to me like that Tadhg'd have decked her. I can feel the anger in his muscles as he holds me tight.

"Ain't you the kettle calling the pot black, you manky little gobshite," he retaliates. "Always getting things arseways. Last I heard you were busy banging your way through the tomcats who frequent the pub down the hill from the I-S. Why don't you take yourself there now and leave Caoilainn and I alone?"

I'm not sure which of us gasps louder but it's all I can do not to laugh as Suzy turns all shades of red. "You dick! Fine, bang the Ice Queen if you want. See if I care.

Have fun you stupid little prat," she curses, turning towards me as she leaves. "Don't come crying to me when he tosses you aside like yesterday's trash as soon as he's done with you."

"Have a good time at the pub, Suzy," I call out in response.

Good thing this section of the library is deserted. I've never been kicked out of a library before but if anyone had been here now, they'd have revoked my library card at the use of our very loud and profane language.

Gosh, that felt good. I turn around and find my lips covered in Tadhg's. Nothing like creating your own romance novel right in the middle of the library's sci-fi section.

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