Chapter 36

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I creep around the town, vigilant for any signs of hostility or strange movements. It's been too quiet these past few days. By our intel, I expected to see more activity in this area but so far things have been very still.

I don't like it.

Something's off about the whole situation, but I can't put my finger on what.

I keep my hand on my sidearm as I walk, ready for anything out of the ordinary. Jaceen is on patrol beside me, with Chips taking up our rear.

When we hear the shouting we take off in a sprint towards it.

Rounding the side of a building, I find myself almost nose to nose with a man and what appears to be his wife and child. He's screaming at her, but I can't understand the language he's using.

Damn. Why didn't we bring Candace with us? She might've been able to help.

As a FET* team member, Candace has gotten us out of countless situations like this. They're not easily diffused so her skills in the field are often life-saving.

The woman before us is weeping, pleading at the man to stop. It's obvious he's out of his head.

In response to the man's screaming, the woman tightens her grip on the child. He looks to be about two and is also screaming, scared at the scene enfolding before us.

Upon our arrival, the man turns his wrath upon us. I can tell we've agitated his temper more just by being here. As Jaceen and Chips take a protective position around the woman and her child, I try to calm the man down.

He wants nothing to do with me, however, and only yells louder. I look around the town to see if there's anyone who might be of help, but the women have all run into their homes as the townsmen stand in doorways looking on. I can feel their bitter resentment at our interference from where I stand.

I try again to calm the man down, but my words only seem to make things worse. As I turn around to try to communicate with the woman I hear Jaceen scream my name.

"Tadhg! Behind you!"

Jaceen and Chips move forward to stop the man as I turn to see him pull two guns, one for each hand, from inside his clothing. Jaceen grabs his left hand and I go for the right but not before the guy has a chance to shoot at his wife and child.

"Motherfucker!" I hear Chips holler behind us. Turning, I see that the man has shot not just one of them, but both mother and child. The child was hit first with a through and through that went on to finish his mother after him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I holler at the man we're trying to restrain. "How could you kill them?" I continue to yell, but it makes no difference. The guy's ranting back, chant-like, in my face as we hold him.

My nerves are shot.

He killed them.

Likely, his own family.

How can anyone do such a thing?

I've seen a lot of death in my time over here but this is too much. It's too domestic. Too real. These aren't soldiers on a battlefield who're dying. They're civilians.

Every day, we're trying to save people's lives. We're trying to protect America from the threat of terrorists.

But we're also trying to save the men, women and children who live in this shithole and who have no one else to help them. We're trying to prevent future terrorists from being born and rising up.

We're doing our best but sometimes it's just not enough. Just when you think you're doing something good, you watch another family die. And for what? What could possibly justify this senseless loss of life?


I wish I were home. I just want to go home where things make sense.

I'd give anything to feel Caoilainn's arms wrapped around me.

I can't wait to go on leave.


Not much longer.


I won't be home long, but I need to get away.

If only for a few days, I need my wife. 


*FET = Female Engagement Team ; see above YouTube video to learn more about them.

YouTube Video Reference Information:

Title: A Look Inside Female Engagement Teams (FET)

Author: Marine Corps Recruiting

Published on: Mar 2, 2012

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