Chapter 9

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I watch Pearl run her fingers down Brody's thigh as she kisses him on the mouth. I'm relacing my shoe and can't believe they're making out in public like they are. Not that long ago Pearl was all over Fionn and here she is molesting Brody.

I frown.

When he starts laughing I look up from my shoe to see him grab Pearl's ass.


Get a room.

"Brody!" I hear her laugh. So she can basically feel him up in front of the whole world, but when he does it to her?...whatever. Pearl turns back towards him and asks for a piggyback ride. He bends over and she hops on.

Laughing, they take off towards the basketball courts on the other side of the fields. Brody must have a game tonight with Pete and Ruari I think to myself. They like to shoot hoops during the day beforehand.

A break in the clouds overhead opens and the sun shines down. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. A light breeze hits my face and I sigh. After my run it feels great just to sit and relax a minute.

"Hey, Nick," I hear Fionn call from the bleachers. I open my eyes and look over seeing him coming. I stand up to walk towards the locker room. "Wait up will you?" he says.

Fionn jogs across the field and catches up to me as I head in the opposite direction of the basketball courts.

"What's up, Fionn?" I ask him, continuing to move forward. I use my shirt to wipe some leftover sweat off of my face. "I'm just on my way to get cleaned up."

"Yo, did you say anything to anyone about Pearl and I?" He asks.

I stop and look at him.

"What do you mean?" I ask him tentatively. I'm trying to play it off like I have no idea what he's talking about. I want nothing to do with this drama. Brody's my friend, same as Fionn, and the less I know the better.

"Cut the crap, man," Fionn replies. "I know you saw us the other week."

When I raise my eyebrows in a last ditch attempt to feign ignorance Fionn just groans. We start to walk towards the lockers again.

"Look, I saw you, ok," he explains. "At your locker. That time Pearl and I were in the hallway. You were there. I know you saw us.

What is it with him? Like I want anything to do with these two and their secret affair.

"Yeah, man, look," I tell him putting both my hands up in the air. "That's your business. It's between you, Pearl and Brody. I'm not going there with you on this."

Moving forward, Fionn is quiet for a few minutes before turning towards me.

"Alright, just-," he starts. "You're not going to say anything, then? To Brody, I mean."

I turn to look at Fionn and shake my head. I can still see Brody and Pearl in the distance behind him walking hand and hand towards the nets. This is just wrong. Fionn's putting me in a very awkward position making me choose between keeping my friendship with him and being honest with Brody. It pisses me off, actually.

"No, but I'll tell you what Fionn, you better be careful."

When he raises his eyebrows at me I shake my head again. He's not getting what I'm trying to tell him.

"No, not like that, man. Though you know this is gonna put a wrench in your friendship with him. Dude, he's a really good guy and even more Brody's always had your back. He trusts you. You're really fucking him over here."

"I thought you were staying out of this," Fionn argues, suddenly defensive.

"Yeah, well," I answer. "Like I said, just watch yourself. I'm not going to say anything. And I'm sure if it ever came down to you and Brody in a fight you'd do alright physically, but I'm not talking about Brody. I'm talking about Pearl."

"You should probably shut up now, Nick," he starts to say. I can tell I'm pushing some sensitive buttons at the moment but he needs to hear me.

"You know she moves around a lot, man," I try to explain. "She's going to be trouble. A girl like that-"

"You know what, Nick," he turns to me, fire in his eyes. "I said to shut the fuck up. You and I are friends. I'd like to keep it that way. So just...back off!"

"Yeah, I hear you, Fionn," I tell him as he storms away. "Loud and clear. Just remember what I said," I call after him.

Fionn doesn't even respond. He just keeps going. When we were standing next to one another I could feel the anger rolling off him.

No good is going to come from this mess.


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