Chapter 13

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The next morning as I open my eyes I take a deep breath and look around my room, my grandmother's journal lying across my chest, split open against it, and I smile at her memories. I had been dreaming, though I cannot remember what about. Whatever it was, it was pleasant because I came to very calmly. I feel peaceful and relaxed.

It's still dark outside; morning light hasn't reached my window yet.

I pull my fluffy comforter up to my chin and burrow into its soft downy feathers. The outside of it feels cool to the touch, but underneath the inside is warm and snug. It's like sleeping in a cloud.

Crickets are still up lamenting the coming light. I can hear the coo of a pair of mourning doves outside my window, too.

I love this time of day. Night has not surrendered her post but the day is threatening to dawn. It's quiet and contemplative. The world is still asleep and I can appreciate her slumber.

From what I heard on the radio last night it's supposed to be a very warm day.

I sit up, take a deep breath, and toss my covers back. I amble over to my windowsill and look out, leaning my chin down on my hands while perching on my elbows.

The sun hasn't crested the horizon yet, but it won't be long.

Before anyone can wake up I make a decision. Looking around and without turning on any lights, I reach for the top drawer of my dresser and take out a bra and underwear, t-shirt and shorts and get changed. I run into my bathroom, take care of business quickly and toss on some deodorant, and brush my teeth. Scratching a blemish away, I wipe my face clean with a cool rinse of water. After dragging a detangler brush through my springing curls, I dab on some lightly scented oil for the heck of it. Not sure why; it's bound to be washed away soon, but it's a habit and I do it anyway.

I grab an old towel from my bathroom linen closet on the way out and turn off the light. When I'm back in my room, I pick up my flip flops and tip toe out of my room and down the hall. When I get to the kitchen, I write a quick note, put on my shoes, and slip out the door before anyone stirs.


Nothing like waking up at 4AM to make a grown man grumpy. I was up long after midnight so you'd think I'd be exhausted, but no. Here I am, after what feels like a brief nap, and I can't get back to sleep. My mind's racing in a million directions.

I can't stop thinking about Caoilainn.

I toss my smothering comforter off my bed in a huff. Damn thing is making me sweat.

Birds are chirping insistently outside my house and I wrap my pillow around my head against their never-ending, manic chatter. Finding no relief, I flip over and toss my pillow across the room at the blasted window.

Swearing, I get up and lurch over to the window to stare out of it in frustration. Damn birds.

I turn around and walk back to the side of my bed and sit down on the edge of it. Running my hands through my hair and over my face, I sigh.

How did everything get so complicated so quickly?

One minute, everything was fine.

Caoilainn and I were fine.

Best friends.

But then people are asking her out.

Pursuing her.

Preying on her.

I shake my head and flex the fingers of my hand into a fist. I don't even realize I've done it until I look down and see myself.

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