. . .

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I can't live like this anymore.

I can't live in this constant fear
that one day I'll mess up so badly
that everyone will hate me
and leave me.
I can't live thinking
that nobody really cares about me
or wants to be around me.
I can't live in the constant fear that one day
I'll go in a downward spiral,
hit rock bottom,
and do things to myself
I would never dream of doing normally.

I'm so sick
and tired
of thinking that everyone hates me
for every little thing I do wrong.
I'm sick of feeling judged
for every choice I make,
every word I say,
and everything I don't even do
in the first place.

I'm so tired.

Author's Note
I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I've ever done wrong, I'm sorry I can't do this anymore, I'm sorry everything's weighing me down so much, I'm sorry I don't see the point in anything anymore. I'm sorry.

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