I Want It All To Stop

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Everything hurts
So much
And I want it all to stop
But I don't know what to do to make it stop
I don't want to wake up tomorrow
I feel so, so low

I want a way out
And I want to die but I'm afraid to
I want to hurt myself
but I know if I start to
someone will find out
and be angry with me
and try to help me
and feel sorry for me

And I also know if I start I wouldn't be able to stop until
I die

I know if I start hurting myself people will start to look at me with sad eyes and ask if I'm okay
and I want sympathy
but at the same time
I really don't

I want someone to hold me and tell me it'll be okay
but I know it's not going to be
I know that it won't get better

Everything's going downhill
and it's all my fault

Author's Note
I don't know...
My head's just a mess and I can't concentrate on anything anymore and I can't sleep and I'm always disappointed in everything I do because it's just never good enough so I've just stopped trying at this point
I don't know.

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