No Words

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My head is weighed down with so many thoughts

Sleep seems to be the only thing that makes me feel okay anymore

My eyelids are heavy with tears that don't seem to want to come

My feet are dragging and I'm tripping over all of my doubts and insecurities that tell me I'll never be good enough

And so I trick myself into thinking that I'll always mess up so I've stopped trying

There's a fog in front of me that's making it hard to breathe and think properly, and it blurs my vision and makes me think everyone hates me

I can't seem to describe how I feel anymore

There are too many words

but also not enough

and it's leaving me so confused because I want to identify how I'm feeling

but I just can't find the words anymore

and I can never seem to say it


Author's Note
I can never seem to find the right words anymore. It's like nothing can really, truly describe how I'm feeling. It's frustrating because I want to be able to put it into words - somehow that always makes it easier to deal with what goes on inside my head. I've been kind of struggling lately. I feel so stuck inside my own head.

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