Everything's So Heavy

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I feel so bad because
I want to help my friends
but I never feel like I can say or do
the right things for them,
and I never know
what they need from me.

I'm so exhausted all the time because I feel like I'm carrying
the weight of the entire world on my shoulders,
and every day
just keeps adding
more and more weight
to the mess.

I'm not strong enough to carry all of this on my own
but I want to prove that I'm strong, I'm okay,
and that I don't need help
because I don't want people to feel pity for me
when I don't have as many problems as other people in this world.
I don't feel like I'm good enough for anyone anymore.
I feel like I don't deserve help;
I don't deserve medicine
or a therapist
or even to talk to someone
because my problems aren't bad enough.

Author's Note
This one's old. Hope it's still okay. Sorry I haven't been updating much, I haven't had a lot of inspiration or motivation lately.

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