"Ah, she's always studying," | Jungkook 💕

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Jungkook's POV.

I awoke from the sunlight peaking through the curtains. I reach for my phone to check the time. Saturday, 8:29 AM.

I look to the right side of the bedroom, to see Y/N still asleep. I get off my bed, and start going towards Y/N. I sat on her bed, playing with her hair as she slept. How can a human being be so adorable?

Her eyes suddenly start fluttering open, so I attempt to get off her bed, but fell backward off her bed. She sat up and started laughing at me.

I rubbed the back of my head, getting up.

"Don't laugh, that hurt," I whined. She stopped laughing.

I sat back down on her bed, Indian-style. It only took a second to find out that she woke up in her BED and not on the couch.

"How did I get to my bed?" she asked.

"I carried you here," I said. "your bed is more comfy, you know?" She smiled.

"Thanks, Jungkookie~"

"That's adorable," I said.

"What is?"

I giggled. "That nickname," I came closer to her, making her blush. I know about the fact that she likes me because I walked in on her talking to her friend over the phone about me. I was trying to tease her, just for a reaction.

"Um, Kookie..."

"Yes?" I smirked.

"Y-you're t-too close..." she stuttered. I came even closer, then leaned in, until our lips were inches apart.

She started blushing.

I leaned in until our lips touched, then started kissing her. She took about two seconds to respond. My hands were on her waist, while hers were on my face.

I pulled away, smirking. "And I think you're adorable too, Jagiya."

"You knew about my-"

"Crush?" I finished for her. She nodded.

"I heard you talking to (friend's name) the other day. And you also made it way too obvious," I said.

Y/N blushes even more. "You know how I called you Jungkookie?"


"How do you feel about Jungkookie-oppa?"

Then I started blushing...

wElp. That's it. 🥰❤️

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