Polaroid. | Taehyung

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I watched as Taehyung took pictures of the ocean.

He looked so concentrated and it was making me fall in love with him all over again. He brought his professional camera with him and a less professional Polaroid camera. No matter the camera, Taehyung was an amazing photographer.

We were in Long Island, on a beach called Cedar Beach. It was the evening. The sun was setting.

There were rocks all over my feet, so I went into the ocean to wash off the rocks. The water was cold against my feet.

"Baby~" Taehyung called. I looked at him, then the flash of his camera went off. "Beautiful!"

I blushed like crazy. "Baby why?" I whined, running to him. "I look so bad!"

He put the developing film and camera into his bag and sat down on a towel. I sat down with him. His arms wrapped around me and I cuddled close to him.

"I love you," he said out of nowhere.
"I love you too, Taehyung."

He gave me the film that was finished developing.

He gave me the film that was finished developing

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"You look adorable," he said.

"Shut up, Tae..." I blushed as he got closer to my face.

He smirks, his face inching away from my face. "Shut me up then."

And I leaned in and kissed him. He smiles into the kiss and pulls me even closer.

He tasted sweet.

I pulled away, breathing a bit heavier than usual.

Taehyung chuckles and his cheeks turn red. "Can we do that again?"

I smirk and pull him closer. "It would be my pleasure."


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