loner. | yoongi

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YUNGBLUD, anyone? 🥺🥰


There's always this guy who reads alone underneath a tree at the park near campus. He's kinda known as 'the weird loner'. I'm not sure when he earned the title, but it's not a nice one.

I've always wanted to talk to him, but I've been too shy and he seems to like being alone. Come to think of it... I don't even know his name.


I was walking home from campus after a long Friday. It was nice out, so I decided to take the long route home. Whenever I do that, I have to pass by the park.

As I was walking home from school, I passed by that very tree the boy hangs out under. He was reading, as usual.

Should I talk to him?

Maybe not...

I decide to just walk right past him, but I couldn't help but notice the book he was reading. It was the same one I was reading and I coincidentally was holding it against my chest.

C'mon, Y/N, make small talk or something..

I then change my mind and sit down next to him under the tree. He didn't notice me at first, but eventually did.

"Oh... h-hi..." his voice was small. I never got a good look at his face, but my, he looked really handsome.

He had porcelain skin, a cute nose, nice lips, and eyes that looked almost feline-like. He sort of looked like a cat. No... baby kitten. That's it. He looks like a baby kitten.

"I couldn't help but notice you and I are reading the same book," I took the novel out of my arms. "Did you get far?"

He gave a little smile. "That's cool," he blushed. "I'm not very far in, but it's really good..."

"That's weird because I'm not either," I giggled. "Oh, I'm Y/N, by the way." I gave him my hand to shake.

He took my hand and shook it. "Yoongi," He said. "And I'm surprised you even talked to me... no one really does." His voice became more quiet and grim.

"Well, I wanted to, but sometimes I come off awkward..." I blushed and rubbed the back of my neck. "Ambivert problem, you know? I can be introverted at the wrong times."

The boy giggled. "Can't relate," he said. "I'm always an introvert. And I always come off awkward. That's why I don't talk to anyone, unless they do so first. Which doesn't happen much..."

"Hey... um, you wouldn't mind if you..." my voice trailed off. "Came to the coffee shop with me, would you? I-I mean, you don't have to, I just-"

"Yeah, of course." He blushed. "Wait, no- I mean, no... I don't mind. I-I mean... I would love to get coffee with you..." He became really flustered by his stuttering.

I giggled softly at the boy. "I got what you meant," I stood up. "C'mon. It's not far from here."


"So, are you doing anything after college?" I asked, taking a sip from my coffee. Yoongi shrugged.

"I don't know... I want to become a rapper, but I'm really not that good..."

"What? Don't doubt yourself. Have people even heard you rap?"

His cheeks turned a dark shade of pink. "Well, there was this one time I was rapping in my room, and my brother came in. He said I was good, but I don't believe him. And another time where my parents walked in on me rapping... but that's it."

He took a sip from his coffee.

"You shouldn't doubt yourself. At least audition for a company or two."

"My god, you're flattering me," His smile grew wider, revealing his gums. "But, do you have any plans for after college?"

I nodded. "Yeah... as an actor."

His eyes widened. "Wow, that's a pretty big plan..."

"Yeah, but I'm taking classes and I was always part of a school play back when I was a kid, so I think I'll be okay."

"Don't forget me when you walk the red carpet of your movie premiere."

I hid my red face. "W-well... I don't think I'll be famous, but I won't..."


After our little 'hangout' at the coffee shop, he offered to walk home with me. I told him he didn't need to, but he did so anyway.

"You really didn't need to do this," I said. "We kinda just met."

"You took the time to communicate with me, I needed to pay you back in some way..."

"Your company was enough," I looked at him and he looked really red. Like, he was redder than a cherry. "You're fun to talk and hang out with."

"I-I am?"

I nodded, as we came to a halt at my house. "Yeah," I said. "You're kinda cute, too."

"I-I'm what?"

I smiled. "Cute."

"You're cute too... wait, did I say that out loud?"

I stood on my tip toes and placed a kiss on his cheek. His eyes widened a bit, as his hand found its way to where I had kiss his cheek.

"Let's hang out tomorrow. I'll text you the time and location, okay?"


"Thanks for walking me home." I smiled and waved him goodbye.

I think I'm falling for him.



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