Chapter 13

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I saw her drop three drops of blood on the ground then lick the cut. Which miraculously healed and sealed the cut. Out of nowhere, three replicas of my Roza appeared by her side. They each pulled two stakes from Roza's second messenger bag. This one looked old and tattered and made from some type of canvas material, and like she'd had it for years or got it second hand.

"Hey, can I have that one?" One of the replicas asked my Roza.

"No, he had it made for me, so it's mine!!! Now, grow the fuck up and get your head in the damn game. We don't have the time for this childish bullshit!"

I looked at the stake in my soul mates hand. And I smiled again, it really was the stake that I'd had made especially for her. Alberta must have found it in my room, after the caves, and given it to her.

After she killed the last strigoi, she and the copies all cut their fingers again and then placed them together. The replicas disappeared, but lyubov' moya was healed and whole once again. And once again she licked and therefore healed the cut to her finger. (my love)

"Are you alright lyubov' moya? Are you injured?" (my love)

"I am fine Mitya, just a little tired."

"Do you know what that stake says Roza?"

"Nope, I have been too afraid to get it translated."


"Really Comrade, really?"


She sighed. "You didn't want me around you. So, I figured this was your way of telling me so without having to be around me again to use the actual words. Sort of like a final fuck off."

"Milaya moya, I had that stake made for you, the week after the lust charm. It says, 'may this stake, protect lyubov' moya, my heart, my soul, my light, my life, my Roza. Lyubov', your Comrade.'" (my dearest, my love, love)

"Oh, I'm sorry. Alberta didn't give it to me until I went to tell her goodbye after leaving court."

"I am so sorry Roza, I never meant to hurt you."

"I know that you didn't mean to, but you did."

"And I am sorrier about that than you could ever possibly imagine."

"It will be fine."

"I love you Roza."

"I know that, now. But you hurt me, you hurt me sooo bad. I love you too, but your words still hurt me. They hurt me so bad, that in the beginning I thought that I was going to die from a broken heart."

"I know detka, and I am so so so so sorry about that." (baby)

"I will be fine, eventually. Just don't do it again. I may be strong, but to you I am at my most vulnerable. You are my one weakness Mitya. Have you ever heard that saying, 'the people that you love the most, are the ones that can hurt you the most?'"

"Yes." I said sadly, knowing what she was getting at and knowing that it was true.

"Well, that is true. You can hurt me more than anyone else that I have ever even known. Even more than Janine ever has."

"I know detka, and I am sooo sorry that I hurt you. I promise you on my life that I will do everything in my power not to ever hurt you again." (baby)


"I have what may be a stupid question."

"What's that?"

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