Rainy date night

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Y/n = your name
Y/bf/n = your boyfriends name
F/n = friends name

Tonight was date night. Y/bf/n and I were going out to dinner and a movie. All week it had been sprinkling but today is was heavy rain. We were driving on the highway when we got into the worst traffic. Nobody can drive in the rain i guess. (Tea)
"Is there an accident up ahead?" You ask y/bf/n.
"I'm not sure, but lets keep a look out just in case." Y/bf/n says.
You keep looking out the window a little bit longer. You turn up the radio and sing some songs together as y'all stay sitting in the car.
"I hope we don't miss the movie. I've wanted to see it ever since i saw the trailer." You say.
"Ive been looking forward to tonight for a long time. Dinner at a good restaurant, based on the reviews, a good movie and all with my favorite girl." He says.
"Aww," you say as you lean in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Hey y/n?" Y/bf/n says.
"How did you know you wanted to go out with me?" He asks.
"Um, well i hung out with you a little bit then we talked more and i thought that we get along and you're cute so i shot my shot." You say.
"Wow. That's pretty cool. I'd look at you and be too scared to say anything because i didn't want to sound stupid." He says.
"Aww. You do say stupid stuff sometimes though." You say laughing.
"Oh look who's talking." He says laughing too.
The cars started driving again. Y'all missed dinner so y'all went into the movie theater with popcorn and yall's favorite candies.
—— after the movie ——
"That was such a good movie." You say.
"Yeah. Hey f/n is working the late shift tonight at the restaurant. Wanna go since we didn't get dinner before?" He says.
"Sure that sounds like fun!" You say grabbing his hand and leaning into his arm.
The rain is sprinkling again so y'all drive with no traffic.
Y'all make it into the restaurant and see f/n through the window minutes before closing. They are the last person there. Y/bf/n gets the door for you and y'all seat yourself. Y'all decide to sit at the bar to see f/n.
"Hey f/n!" Y/bf/n and you both say.
"Hey y/bf/n and y/n! What can i get y'all." F/n says.
"Can i get a strawberry milkshake?" You ask.
"With two straws please," y/bf/n says.
You look at him with a smile. "Aw that was cute. Kinda cheesy though," you say with a laugh.
"They'll be right out." F/n says.
F/n hasn't turned off the music yet so you and y/bf/n dance a little bit before f/n comes out with the shake.
You, y/bf/n and f/n talk until f/n kicks y'all out.
Y'all get back in the car with little rain, but when y'all get out of the car and into the house, it pours.
Y'all get changed into your pajamas and get into the bed and cuddle to the sounds of rain pounding against your window.
Y/bf/n gives you a small kiss then holds you tight. There is nowhere you'd rather be.


Sorry that i haven't updated in a while. I got overwhelmed by all the readers i saw i had so i came up with some new ideas. Sorry that it's short but i really wanted to put something out there to prove that i am still here. Last week was wild bc of exams (I passed them all I'm so proud of myself!). Remember to leave a request in the comments if you want a story. Just tell me what you want it to be about :). Thanks y'all!

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