he gets jealous

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there are actual character names in this one so if you need to change them then go ahead :) also I've never been to pride but I want to and sorry if I got random thing wrong. my bad!

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i'm taking a class over the summer to get some credits to graduate early (i know this is a thing in high school and i think college, I'm thinking college in this story btw). theres only one person in the class who i know. his name is  Noah and i know him from high school. so lately,  Noah and i have been talking a lot about assignments, ranting about people and assignments and also just catching up. Noah was the first openly gay person i met and obviously support, but that isn't his only character trait.

i was doing some homework for my class with Noah on FaceTime, also working on the assignment. it got kinda late so y/bf/n decided to go pick up some dinner for the both of us. 

"Oh my god. Dr. Allen is such a pain. We really do not need to do all of these assignments. They have nothing to do with the class!" Noah ranted.

"Haha, I know! It's stupid. We could be spending our time learning something important instead of working on stupid projects." I said.

Noah and I kept ranting as y/bf/n came in with all the food.

"Hey gorgeous." Y/bf/n said as he set down the food then kissed me on the cheek making sure that Noah saw. He doesn't know.

"Y/bf/n have you met Noah? He's in my class plus I've known him from high school!" I said.

"No, i have not." Y/bf/n said tensing up.

"Ok then. Noah this is y/bf/n. Y/bf/n this is Noah." I said.

"Nice to meet you, Noah." Y/bf/n said.

"Nice to meet you too y/bf/n." Noah said.

I started eating while still working on the project and still on the phone with Noah. I could tell that y/bf/n was feeling weird because he kept his hand on my thigh the whole meal.

"I think I've finished it!" I said excitedly.

"All of it or part 1?" Noah asked. My jaw dropped. I forgot this was a multistep project. Luckily it wouldn't be due for a week.

"Ugh I forgot. Only part 1." I said laying my head on the table. "I'm too tired to go on." I said.

"Me too. Hey we don't have class tomorrow, I could come over to your apartment and work on the project a little bit." Noah proposed. Y/bf/n looked at me.

"Sounds like fun. See you tomorrow. Bye," you hung up the phone and looked at y/bf/n. He relaxed a little bit. I kissed y/bf/n on the lips. "I'm too tired to stay up and watch anything, wanna come cuddle instead?" I asked him. He nodded quickly. Y/bf/n walked over to my side of the table and picked me up bridal style. He carried me to our room and sat me on the bed. I was already in my pajamas so I got under the covers as y/bf/n changed into his. We cuddled until I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning in y/bf/n's arms. He had a tight grip around me. I heard him whimpering and groaning as I tried to get out.

"Don't go. I love you. Please don't leave me for him." Y/bf/n said in his sleep. Omg, was y/bf/n jealous? How could I have not seen it sooner? Poor baby. I would never leave him for someone else. 

I got out of his arms then turned back around to give him a kiss. I then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for my study "date" with Noah.

I looked down at my phone to see text messages from Noah. He was on his way but was super tired. He and his boyfriend, Ethan, went to a pride celebration the night before and he was still pretty tired. 

Noah soon got here and y/bf/n still hadn't woke up. 

"How was pride?" I asked.

"It was so much fun. Ethan and I had the best time." He said.

"I've always wanted to go to pride. It looks like so much fun." I said.

"Theres another celebration that Ethan and I are going to tonight. You should come. Oh and of course y/bf/n should come too." He said.

"That sounds like fun." I said.

"What sounds like fun?" y/bf/n said as he walked into the room. 

"Noah just invited us to go to a pride celebration tonight." I said. We had a lot of friends in the LGBTQ community and our friend group has always gone except for us. Being too busy i guess.

Y/bf/n came over and kissed me on the lips.

"Sounds like fun." He said as he started walking into the kitchen to make some coffee for himself. I looked at Noah and told him to come closer. I whispered in his ear.

"I think y/bf/n is jealous of you." I said starting to laugh. Noah laughed too.

"Y/bf/n doesn't know I'm gay?" he whispered. I shook my head. "This could be fun." He said.

We finished up a little more of our project, then Noah got up to leave.

L A T E R    T H A T   N I G H T

Y/bf/n and I were in the car as y/bf/n drove us to pride. 

"So when we get there, we'll go find Noah and his friend Ethan." I said

"Ok." Y/bf/n said with a smile. I could tell he was excited, this was his first pride too. 

We parked the car and started looking for Noah. Pride looked so pretty at night. Everybody wearing rainbows, rainbow lights, and just being so happy. I hugged y/bf/n as we were walking.

"I'm so glad I get to spend my first pride with you." I said.

"Me too," y/bf/n said as he leaned down to kiss me. He spoke few words when he was jealous. My phone started ringing and it was Noahs face. I answered.

"Hey we just got here. Where are y'all?" I asked.

"We're in front of the ice cream place." Noah said.

"OK, we're on our way." I hung up the phone. "They're at the ice cream place, lets go!" I said pulling y/bf/n.

We got to the front of the ice cream place to see Noah and Ethan making out. Y/bf/n let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey Noah hey Ethan!" I said. I met Ethan when him and Noah first started dating a few years ago but y/bf/n never met him.

"Hey y/n, y/bf/n!" Noah said.

"Ethan, this is y/bf/n." Noah said.

"Y/bf/n, this is Ethan!" I said.

They both said hello.

We went into the ice cream place. Ethan and Noah ordered first.

"Why didn't you tell me that Noah was gay?" Y/bf/n asked.

"Because I didn't think it was too important." I said. Y/bf/n looked down at his feet. I pushed his chin up. 

"Y/bf/n, there is no need to be jealous. I love you and I won't leave you for anyone else." I said.

Y/bf/n pulled me into a passionate kiss. It felt like fireworks.

"Hey look, fireworks! The show is starting." Ethan said.

What an amazing way to remember our first pride.


//thank you for reading! remember to request stories. sorry if it jumps from saying I to you its weird but I'm too tired to fix it and I want the story up now lmao.//

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