helping little sis

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I got a request asking to do an imagine about helping y/bf/n's little sister when she gets her period so here it is! also s/n = sister's name


Y/bf/n's little sister was in town and staying with us in our apartment for the week. S/n and I get along very well. She said that I am her favorite girlfriend of her brother so that's pretty cool. 

Even though s/n is in town, y/bf/n is still working. So I have been taking her out and doing fun things with her (Lets imagine this before covid bc i don't feel like writing about safety and all that but also remember to wear masks and be careful if where u live is still full of covid, that makes no sense but be careful.) like going to movies, parks, malls, etc.

Today we decided to take it slow and give her time to relax and me to catch up on our house chores. Since y/bf/n has to work a lot more this week, I've taken over cleaning and cooking so that when he is off from work, he can hang out with his sister. I had a ton of laundry to do and cleaning up. S/n was in the living room watching TV and playing games on her iPad. 

"Hey s/n, I'm about to clean the bathroom in like 5 minutes so if you have to go, go." I said while wiping down the kitchen counter and getting the bathroom cleaners out of the cabinet.

"Ok." S/n put down the iPad and went to the bathroom. A minute later I hear her yell my name.

"Y/n! Can you come here please?" I could hear panic in her voice. I put what I was holding down and went to the bathroom door. 

"S/n, are you ok?" I asked concerned. 

"Will you promise not to tell y/bf/n." That worried me, but I could tell she was scared so I promised not to tell him. I heard the door unlock and her open the door. I looked in the bathroom and didn't see anything weird.

"Whats up? Are you ok?" I asked. She got tears in her eyes.

"I got my period." Poor baby, having to deal with her period without her mom. I remember when I got mine, my mom wasn't home but my sister was and she helped me, so the big sister in me came out. I was ready to help.

"Don't worry, don't cry everything will be ok."

"I bleed through my underwear, its a mess. I'm so sorry."

"I promise you that you did not make a mess and don't feel sorry. This is something you can't control and that's ok." I could tell she felt better, but I figured that she would want to feel nice and clean. "Heres the plan, you go get a fresh pair of underwear and pants, I'll run you a bath, take your time and relax, then I'll show you how to put a pad in your underwear and I'll teach you how to clean up. But first lets get you cleaned up." I wiped away her tears then she went to her suitcase and got fresh clothes. I ran a warm bath, then left the bathroom so she could relax. I'm glad this happened on the day that we weren't doing anything.

When she was done with her bath, she sat on the toilet with her towel wrapped around her. I sat by her and helped her put the pad in her underwear. I left so she could get changed then came back when she was dressed. 

I showed her how to clean your clothes when you get bloodstains and overall helped her feel better about everything. Then I showed her my secret chocolate stash in the kitchen and shared some with her. 

We talked about how weird it is and I told her about my first period. We heard the door unlock and it was y/bf/n. 

"Hey, how are my two favorite girls?" He gave s/n a side hug and messed up her hair and gave me a kiss.

"We had a pretty good day." S/n said.

"Pretty eventful." I winked at her and she laughed. Y/bf/n looked confused.

"Ok? S/n, are you down to swim?" Y/bf/n asked.

"Uh, could we do something else?" S/n asked.

"Sure." Y/bf/n said.

We ended up going for froyo and going for a late night drive. And the end of the night, I helped s/n get ready for bed. She was sleeping on our pull out couch. I put a towel down so that if she did leak, it wouldn't leave too big of a mess. She changed her pad to a overnight pad, then went to sleep.

- - - - - later in y/bf/n and y/n's room - - - - -

Y/bf/n and I were in our pajamas and were clearing the throw pillows off our bed before getting in the covers.

"So what did y'all do today?" y/bf/n asked. Obviously I promised s/n that I wouldn't tell y/bf/n so I didn't say too much.

"S/n watched TV and I cleaned up." I said getting under the covers.

"I'm so glad that s/n likes you and you like her." he said pulling me closer to cuddle.

"Me too. Can my sister come stay sometime soon?" Y/bf/n laughed.

"Of course." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and we fell asleep.

////sequel with our sister?///

this was fun to write and i hope y'all liked it.

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