FaceTime Dinner

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My classes are stressing me out. There is so much work to do. On top of that, my apartment is super messy. The only breaks I allow myself to take are to do laundry. I'm working so hard that I forget to eat. You'd think that a foodie like me would try to snack through her study sessions but I haven't had time to go grocery shopping. Y/bf/n knows my productive habits. I forget to eat. He hates that I overwork myself and not feed myself.

As I sit at my desk with my hair out of my face, no makeup on, highlighters in my hands with reviews and notes in front of me, my phone starts to ring. Y/bf/n is trying to FaceTime me. I don't want to accept the call because I'm in the zone, but I haven't got to see him all week because of my busy schedule and he's out of town with friends. I decide to answer it because I realize that I miss him too much to not answer.

"Hey gorgeous."

"Hey Babe. How are you and the squad?"

"They're doing great. I miss you a lot."

"Awww. I miss you too."

"How is studying going?"

"Pretty good. I feel like there is a lot of information but I'm understanding it so thats great."

"Have you eaten?"

"Yes. Well snack."

"When was snack?"

I look at the time that says 11:37


"Y/n! I order you to walk over to your kitchen to eat."

"No can do. I've been too busy to grocery shop."

"Ok then."

I can see that an idea has come to his mind

"I'm gonna go so that you can study"

"Ok. I love you."

"I love you too. remember to get some sleep too."

"Ok I will."



I go back to studying.

- - - - - 20 minutes later - - - - -

Theres a knock on my door. I walk over and open the door. 

"Hi this is an order for y/f/n y/l/n."

"That must be a mistake, I didn't order anything."

He looks at his phone.

"Oh I forgot to mention. Y/bf/n ordered this for y/f/n y/l/n."

A smile comes up on my face just by hearing his name. Of course he'd do this. Oh how I love him!

"That makes sense. Do I need to pay for anything?"

"No, he paid for it. Have a nice night ms."

"Thank you, you too."

I walk back into my apartment and get my phone out to FaceTime y/bf/n. I put the food down at the dining table along with my phone as I pour some water for myself.

"Hey gorgeous, whats up?"

"You are the sweetest boyfriend in the world! Thank you so much!"

"Not an issue. You needed this I could tell."

I smile the whole time I eat my food. He tells me about his trip so far and how much he misses me. 

I cannot wait for him to come home back into my arms.

He's the best boyfriend in the whole world.

I hope that this was better that the last one XOXO

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