quick little update :)

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hey y'all! I've been gone for some time but I thought I'd catch y'all up and kinda tell y'all the rest of my plans for this book for this year.

So I stopped talking to the guy my friend set me up with bc he was a man whore and I wasn't feeling that. 

I've kinda realized that I have a crush on one of my closest friends so that's great but I can't tell them bc we've already gone through a lot and I don't want to stop talking to them.

I'm slowly realizing that one of my other close friends is being fake but I can't expose her about it bc I'll expose myself if I do so (its a v long story)

I've been feeling really down lately and I don't see light at the end of the tunnel but I'm gonna keep going until I find it :)


so since school is stressful, I won't be updating until I'm on Winter break. I think this will be good bc I currently have no ideas but hopefully I can get some or y'all can help me and give me some (if y'all don't mind (; )

alrighty see y'all soon!

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