"y/bf/n, relax" (request)

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hey y'all! this was a request! remember that if u have an idea to let me know!

Y/n's ex boyfriend from middle school see her at a cafe and being to talk to her and y/n's bf get jealous (p.s. y/n's ex bf end of on good terms)

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Y/n's POV:

Y/bf/n and I love this cafe by our apartment. They serve awesome brunches. So, we've decided that every Sunday morning, we would walk to the cafe, eat, then walk to our nearby park, then go back home.

When we go to the park, we go towards the dog park and watch the dog play with their owners. Y/bf/n really wants a dog, but we live in a small apartment. When we get a dog, I want to have a backyard for the dog to play in.

I woke up on Sunday morning in y/bf/n's arms. He is so comfortable that I could stay here forever. But its Sunday and I want my pancakes. I move my head so that I'm looking at him. He looks so peaceful, but that needs to change. I lift my arm and caress the side of his face, waiting for him to notice and wake up. 

He doesn't. So I sit up to where I can kiss his face. That normally works. It does.

"Good morning babe," y/bf/n says as he opens his eyes and stretches.

"Good morning. It's Sunday!" I say as lean down to give him a kiss on the lips. He hums when I pull away. I start to get up, but he pulls me down back into him. 

"Can we cuddle just a little bit longer?" He says as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me in to be the little spoon.

"Sure, why not." I turn my head to kiss him. We stay in bed a little while longer before we eventually get up to get ready.

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As we walk through our little neighborhood, y/bf/n holds my hand. When we get to the cafe, he opens the door for me. We walk to our normal table by the window and wait for the waiter. The waiter takes our orders, then y/bf/n gets up to go the restroom. I look at my phone while he's gone.

"I can't believe it." I look up. "Y/n y/l/n! from middle school!" Its my old friend Hunter from middle school. We dated in sixth grade, but when his parents found out, we had to break up. It's all good though. We stayed friends through middle school and high school. I even helped him get a girlfriend for our junior prom! We started bonding.

"I didn't know you lived in this area," Hunter said.

"Yea. I moved here after college with y/bf/n." I said.

"Oh how are you guys? I see your pictures on instagram together and you guys look really nice together. I want to have what you guys have." Hunter said.

"Awww, thank you! You can find someone I know you can." Y/bf/n sat down at his seat.

"Hi I'm y/bf/n." 

"I'm Hunter."

"Hunter's just an old friend." I knew that y/bf/n knew Hunter's name. We know each others ex's names, but I don't think I ever told him about middle school and that we're just friends now.

"You are so lucky to have y/n. She's so awesome."

"I know." Y/bf/n said. There was an awkward pause.

"Well, it was really good to see you y/n."

"You too, Hunter." I said. The rest of brunch was weird. Y/bf/n was really quiet but he held my hand the whole time. It was like he was a little kid and I was a stuffed animal that everybody wanted to play with, but he was holding on to me to make sure nobody got me.

After brunch, we made our way to the park. Y/bf/n was still really quiet.

"That chocolate lab is really cute." I said trying to get him to talk. He loved talking about dogs with me. But he wasn't doing anything. "Y/bf/n, what the hell is up? You aren't talking to me. C'mon, this is our special day of the week. Our whole week is gonna be messed up. C'mon please talk to me. About anything."

Y/bf/n let out a sigh.

"Y/bf/n I love you. And I want to know why the person I love so much isn't acting like himself."

"You talked to Hunter during our date."


"Your ex boyfriend Hunter!? Y/n, I remember you telling me his name. How are you so calm about this?" he asked.

"Y/bf/n, relax. We dated in sixth grade. I helped him get a girlfriend for our junior prom! We are just friends. Besides, I love you so much. I wouldn't leave you for anyone else."

"You mean it?"

"Yes." I leaned in to give him a kiss.

"I'm sorry that I got all jealous for nothing." Y/bf/n said.

"It's ok. But please communicate with me or else we can't get better. And I mean that for both of us not just you. Like for example, I do want a dog, but we don't have enough space for one right now." Y/bf/n's eyes lit up.

"You want a dog!" He said.

"Ok well you don't need to change subjects so fast but yea, I do."

"What if we get a small dog? We can still take it for walks and it will love the apartment."

"I don't know." I saw the disappointment in his eyes. "But, we can ask owners at the dog park what they think." Y/bf/n smiled at me again, gave me a passionate kiss then took my hand and headed to the dog parks. Gosh I love him so much.

///i hope y'all liked it! and i hope the requester liked it too! remember if you have a request to leave them down below! and if you've already requested one, i wrote down the ideas so i am thinking about them and getting them ready to be written! Happy quarantine i guess!///

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