Scared of Splash Mountain

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The two of y'all planned a trip to disney world. Y/bf/n really likes to ride rides. You did like rides but were kinda scared of the "big" ones but liked the characters you got to meet at disney. Y'all spent the day before today at magic kingdom and did everything, except for splash mountain. The ride was closed for maintenance the night before, but y'all were still determined to do it. You were excited but also nervous for the big drop. You remember riding it when you were smaller and thinking you'd fly out but now you were older. Today y'all went to epcot and walked around, not many rides. But tonight was splash mountain night. 

"I am super excited, babe. Splash mountain is my all time favorite ride." Y/bf/n said with a huge smile on his face.

"Really," you said, somewhat surprised, "can't wait."

"I am soooo excited to ride this with you. Finally a ride I can ride too." Y/bf/n said with a little laugh.

Your eyes went big and you smacked his chest. You did give a small smile though as he put his arm around you in line.

The line was getting shorter. The ride was closer. You could hear screaming in the distance. You felt butterflies in your tummy. You needed to tell him how you felt.

"Y/bf/n?" You said while looking into his dreamy eyes.

"Yeah baby?" He said while looking concerned.

"I know this is your favorite ride, but i'm really nervous. I want to ride it but I'm scared."

"Everything's gonna be ok because you're with me and i'll be holding your hand the whole time." Y/bf/n said.

You leaned in to give him a hug. "Thanks hon." You stood up on your tiptoes to give him a kiss. "I know I'll be safe with you."

You were getting closer to the ride. One of the workers got to y'all. 

"How many?" the worker asked.

"Two," y'all said.

He ushered y'all over to the front of a log.

"Oh look we're in the front." Y/bf/n.

You were feeling fine but was still scared. You'd be at the front of a log but with another in front of you. Just as you convinced yourself you'd be ok, the log in front broke off. You. Were. In. The. Front.

"Oh we're in the front front." Y/bf/n said as he started in crawl into the log.

A wave of panic washed over your body. You looked for the worker.

"This is a mistake. We need to be towards the back!" You said starting to freak out.

"Y/n, you're gonna be ok. I'm going to hold your hand the whole time and you can scream if anything gets scary. Now come on. It'll be fun." Y/bf/n looked at you with promising eyes. You knew he wouldn't let anything bad happen to you, so you got in the log. Y'all put the bar down in front of y'all and the worker checked.

"Is everything ok?" The worker asked.

"Yes, everything is fine now." You said as you squeezed y/bf/n's hand.

The ride started moving. 

"You ready?" Y/bf/n asked.


The ride started going up. There was a small drop. With every drop, you squeezed his hand and he let out little laughs.

The ride started ascending. The big drop was coming.

"You ready?" Y/bf/n asked.

You saw Cinderella's castle in the distance. The drop was here.

"No!" You yelled.

D R O P !

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" You and y/bf/n screamed so loud and you grabbed his hand so tightly.

The drop was over.

"OH MY GOD!" You yelled out.

"Are you ok?" Y/bf/n asked with a big smile on his face.

"I'm more than ok! That was so much fun! I freaked myself out for nothing! Holy moly! Let's do it again!" You had the biggest smile on your face and a loving look on your eyes. You kissed y/bf/n on the lips. "Thank you for riding this ride with me, baby."

"Thank you for wanting to ride again!" Y/bf/n said as he hopped out of the log and reached out for you.

"She loved it!" Y/bf/n said as the people in line laughed and awed.

You leaned into him and kissed him on the cheek.

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685 words yay!

//based off a somewhat true story - - - if you ever ride splash mountain, the front us the place to be, it is so much fun. when i got off, there was a little girl about to take my seat and i told her she was gonna love it and she gave me a smile and it made me so happy :) //

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