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I had dreaded this moment, and this isn't at all how I thought it would happen but I can't say I'm too shocked.

Kyrie: Answer me!

I jumped slightly, nodding my head yes. He sighed taking a seat putting his head in his hands, when he looked up at me my heart instantly broke.

Kyrie: How old is she?

Cierre: She's 3

Kyrie: I've missed 3 years of my daughter's life...

Somebody knocked on the door, making Kyrie angrier than he already was. He got up and cracked the door open, he had a small conversation before shutting the door again.

Kyrie: Halftime is almost over but we got a lot to talk about, so stay and after the game we'll go to my place and talk.

Cierre: No, if this is going to happen then Reign will not come second—

Kyrie: What's her name?

Cierre: Reign Chandler-Alexis Irving...whenever your schedule isn't as busy then here's my number and—

Kyrie: No! Just, look wait here.

He walked out the room leaving me standing there, I couldn't believe this was actually happening. After 15 minutes I didn't know what I was doing anymore so I got up to go and get Reign so we could dip. Before I could open the door Kyrie entered holding a sleepy Reign, and he was now wearing a jumpsuit.

Kyrie: Come on

I thought about reaching for Reign but I figured I'd try to give him an opportunity, we walked through the back until we got to his car. He was about to get in the backseat and I grabbed his free hand.

Cierre: T-there isn't a car seat...

Kyrie: I think it'll be okay, he's been driving for 40+ years and his records perfectly clean. Trust me

Cierre: That's kind of hard for me to do

Kyrie: Come on Cierre

He got in the car and I held Reign because by now she was sleep, the ride back to his place was silent. He unlocked his front door and I entered looking around

Kyrie: I'll show you where you can lay her down

I nodded following him up the stairs into a clean, empty bedroom, I laid her down in the bed pulling the blanket over her. I then followed him back down the stairs and we sat down at kitchen bar.

Kyrie: Want some water?

Cierre: Yea

He handed me the water bottle and leaned on the bar looking at me, I had a feeling it was about to be a long night.

Kyrie: Why didn't you tell me you first found out?

Cierre: I was 18 and already nervous enough but by the time I got the balls you were already gone. My turn, why'd you leave me?

Kyrie: I-I wanted to pursue my career and I didn't want to drag you along with me. I wanted you to be able to do your own thing if you wanted—

Cierre: Did you ever think about coming back?

Kyrie: I didn't think you'd wait on me.

'Hell I didn't think I would either, shit I did on accident' I thought to myself. I brought myself back to reality.

Kyrie: So I wanna know everything starting with your pregnancy

So I went through all 8 ½ months I spent while pregnant with her and how some months were better than others. I couldn't believe I was sitting here laughing with him again.

Kyrie: Alright the birth?

Cierre: I have a video if you wanna see...

Kyrie: Sure

I grabbed my phone scrolling through my camera roll, and I hit play handing it to him. He watched the whole video and he even dabbed at a tear that threatened to fall.

Kyrie: Sorry I wasn't there...I can't imagine how hard that is to go through at 19.

I nodded as I showed him videos of her I'd captured over the past 3 years, by the time we finished talking it was like 2am.

Kyrie: Now that I know...I promise I'll never miss another day.

I nodded and then he noticed what time it was, I already knew he wasn't going to want us to leave so I didn't even bother arguing.

Kyrie: I can give you something to sleep in

I followed him upstairs just to go into the room where Reign was still sleeping. She was starting to sweat though.

Kyrie: I brought um-the smallest shirt I have for her. And this one for you

Cierre: Thanks

Kyrie: Goodnight

He closed the door, and I changed Reign out of her clothes before I changed myself. When I laid down sleep came easy.

Trust the Process {Kyrie Irving}Where stories live. Discover now