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The next morning when I woke up Reign wasn't next to me, I did panic a little bit but when I walked downstairs she was in the kitchen helping Kyrie make breakfast.

Reign: Good morning mommy! Daddy and I made breakfast

He high-fived her and her sentence replayed in my head about 5 times before it finally clicked with me.

Cierre: Did you tell her?

Kyrie: Yea she asked so I—

Cierre: You're new to the whole parenting thing and I'm new to not doing it alone but I do know enough to say you don't make major decisions without the other knowing

Reign: Are you mad mommy?

Cierre: No princess

She smiled at me, and after breakfast I picked her up getting both of us back dressed in regular clothes.

Kyrie: So when can I see her again?

Cierre: I want her to get to know you and get comfortable around you so maybe the next week can be yours.

Kyrie: If it makes you feel better than you could hang around while we hang out

Cierre: I was going to do that anyway Andrew

Over the course of that month I was pretty shocked, Kyrie had seemed to make Reign his #1 priority. I liked watching their relationship build and develop, it was nice to have some real help. I was now comfortable leaving her over at his house so today he said they were gonna be decorating her room and chilling. You may be wondering if the world knows about her and the answer is no and I want it to stay that way for a while.

I rang the doorbell to his house and he opened with a smile, I returned it as I followed him back in the house.

Kyrie: We were coloring hold on let me go get her

I nodded as he headed up the stairs, I walked over to the table seeing an envelope. I was curious and it was already opened so I read it.

When it comes to Reign C. A Irving, you Kyrie Irving match 98.9%.

No this nigga didn't...

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