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A/N: You are approaching the end of this story, maybe 2 or 3 more chapters.

I lowered myself to the ground and as another contraction came, Lauren and Ebony were running around trying to figure out what to do.

Cierre: Call Kyrie

Ebony: Talking to him now


She handed it to me, and before I could talk another contraction hit making me scream out. This seemed to be going pretty fast.

                Cierre: Andrew! I advise you get your ass to this house now!

                Kyrie: Go to the hospital

                Ebony: Yea her contractions are barely 2 minutes apart I don't think this baby feels like waiting

                Kyrie: Alright just hang on baby I'm coming

He got there and I was still on the floor screaming, and he called my doctor and he had Kyrie check my cervix and I was 9cm dilated. Lauren was dabbing the sweat off of my face, and the fucking ambulance was still 10 minutes out.

Cierre: I can't do this

Lauren: Yea you can boo, just push

Before I could respond I felt another contraction and I started to push, it literally only took 3 pushes and Joielle Khyree Irving was out.

Lauren: She's gorgeous

I was in love all over again, I had 3 girls with a man that I loved more. I told myself I would have one more baby and just pray that I finally had a boy.

Trust the Process {Kyrie Irving}Where stories live. Discover now