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A/N: Okay I had a picture of the adorable little baby who was portraying Cairo but my dumbass computer don't wanna fucking cooperate...read on babes.

Cairo was now 1 (and some months)and so far she was looking more like me than anything but none the less she still screamed Kyrie. With Reign now being 5 not only was she starting school but Kyrie wanted to start teaching her how to swim so I was sitting outside with Cairo while they were in the pool. I took my phone from Cairo to record.

Cairo: Mama! No!

Cierre: Mommy needs her phone Roro

She continued to whine in my lap as I recorded them, Reign was actually a natural. She seemed to really enjoy the water.

Cierre: Good job Pooh!

She was growing up so fast,and there wasn't a thing I could do about it. I sighed slightly, Kyrie had a game later on so I figured we would get ready early. I got dressed in ^^^ and headed to the arena. Once there I sat down next to Savannah and she smiled at me.

Savannah: You don't even look like a mom

Cierre: Neither do you boo

Savannah: She's so precious

She said cooing into the stroller where Cairo was sleeping, I smiled looking over at Reign who was playing a game on her IPad. After the game I was getting the kiddos into the car when I felt a slap on my ass, I turned around seeing Kyrie smirking.

Cierre: Don't start Andrew

Kyrie: I don't know what you're talking about

I shook my head getting in the car and he drove us home, things were going pretty great, and I couldn't help but wonder how long it would stay this way.

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