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The next day I had to pick my outfit for this dinner later on tonight, and I decided on ^^ because it seemed appropriate. (Fun Fact: I actually am an entrepreneur so I make my own money).

Ebony: Isn't mommy pretty Reign?

Reign: The prettiest

Cierre: Thank you pooh but you're actually the prettiest girl in the room right now

She giggled and I saluted Ebony and Lauren before exiting the house. I drove to the location he'd texted me, and he was standing there waiting.

Kyrie: You look amazing

Cierre: Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself

So we talked, and talked some more, and talked a little more. If you were there then you'd really be able to tell how much I'd missed him.

Kyrie: It's looking like the odds are in my favor

Cierre: Is it now?

Kyrie: Well I mean of course that's completely up to you...we should get going. Your car's already at my house so yea time for the surprise

I sighed, I don't know how he always does that so smoothly. He grabbed my hand leading me to the car and the driver began driving us back to his house. I was looking at him during the drive and he looked so fucking sexy in that suit, and don't even get me started on how good he smelled.

As soon as we stepped inside the house I connected our lips and he kissed me back eagerly. He backed me into the wall picking me up as our tongues wrestled. I moaned into the kiss undoing his belt as he carried me upstairs. I began stroking him through his underwear and he groaned into the kiss sitting me down on the hallway table.

Cierre: What if it break?

Kyrie: We'll get a new one

He removed his shoes quickly and I did the same while also sliding my panties off and my dress up, he picked me up sitting me on the desk again entering me quickly. I moaned out as he kept a steady pace going, I tightened my walls on him making him groan.

Cierre: Harder!

He obeyed my command hitting my spot with every thrust, the table began rocking as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

Cierre: I'm gonna cum

Kyrie: Hold it...

I bit my lip as he continued to beat my walls in, this definitely goes on the list of something I missed greatly.

Kyrie: Look at me when you cum

Cierre: Kyrie I can't hold it no more

Kyrie: Cum baby girl

I looked at him as I released onto his member, with a couple more thrusts he released all his juices into me. He picked me up carrying me to the bedroom where I was placed in many different positions all of them leading to orgasms. I was currently on all fours and I was biting down on the pillow trying not to scream as he beat my back in.

Kyrie: What's my name Cierre?!

Cierre: Kyrie!!

Kyrie: Try again!

He gripped a handful of my hair yanking my head back, going harder than he was before making me a moaning mess.

Kyrie: Say my fucking name

Cierre: Daddy!

Kyrie: Say it again!

Cierre: Fuck daddy!

Kyrie: Whose pussy is this?!

Cierre: It's yours daddy! Yes! Shit!

He thrusts got sloppier and I felt him twitch inside of me until his warm liquid filled me all the way up. I collapsed we'd pretty much done everything I could think of, so I thought we were done. Kyrie had other things in mind as I felt his tongue enter me.

Cierre: Oh shit!

Kyrie: Yea it's gonna be a really long night for you

He smirked going back down on me continuing to lick and suck on my core. My legs shook as I released my juices into his mouth.

Hours later when we were finally done, for real this time. We laid there staring up at the ceiling still catching our breath.

Cierre: I don't think I can walk Andrew

Kyrie: Mission complete, so are you guys going to move back in?

I looked around thinking about everything, and the bottom line was I don't think I could leave him alone even if I truly wanted too.

Cierre: I love you Kyrie...but I hate this house.

I could tell he got sad when I said that, he sighed and a silence washed over us. I cleared my throat speaking again.

Cierre: If we're going to try this again we gotta move, just have a completely fresh start but hear me when I say—fuck up this time and you're all out of chances.

He smiled rolling over kissing me but I pulled away before it led to anything else because I actually couldn't feel anything from the waist down.   

Trust the Process {Kyrie Irving}Where stories live. Discover now