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Kyrie: Well let me just start with I'm sorry—

Cierre: I don't wanna talk about that anymore...you kissed me, why?

Kyrie: I-I don't know. Believe it or not but I've missed you so much over the past couple of years and I've never stopped loving you Cierre.

Cierre: I don't know where we go from here Kyrie

Kyrie: Let's try again C, not only for us but for Reign.

Cierre: If I say yes, then you have to promise you're not gonna hurt me again.

Kyrie: I'll never leave you again...

I nodded, and only time would tell whether or not I'd just saved myself or shot myself in the foot. I prayed and prayed that it was the first one.

Over the next 4 months a lot happened, Kyrie and I agreed to announce that he had a daughter and a girlfriend, and I was introduced to some of the other NBA wives/girlfriends. My relationship with Kyrie was going great, and Reign was happy so that was all that mattered. Currently LeBron and Savannah were over and all the kiddies were in Reign's playroom.

Savannah: So how did you pick Reign's name?

Cierre: At first it was just 'Chandler Alexis Irving' but then when I wanted to tie something royal into her name, so I thought about Royalty but then when I went into labor it started raining so yea.

LeBron: If you could change her name what would it be Kyrie?

Kyrie: I don't know probably something with a K

The boys went off to talk on their own so me and Savannah just talked some more until they left. Kyrie put Reign in the bed and I was just watching TV, I basically live here now. Kyrie came back down the stairs and sat beside me, turning my face to look at him.

Kyrie: What would you say if I said I wanted another baby?

I studied his face trying to determine if he was serious and he was. I wasn't sure how to respond to that.

Cierre: I'd have to think about it

Kyrie: Just know there's nobody else I'd rather have a family with

I nodded standing up and walking up the stairs to get changed for bed, did I want to have another baby? Yes. Did I want to have another baby with Kyrie? Yes. Did I want to have another baby with him now? No.

Don't judge me either, no matter how hard I try I could never fall out of love with that man.

Trust the Process {Kyrie Irving}Where stories live. Discover now