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Kyrie was gone doing interviews and things like that so I figured I would go to the grocery store so I could cook dinner and Iwas wearing ^^^. I walked down the cereal aisle while both Reign and Cairo looked on.

Cierre: What cereal do you guys' want?

Reign: Crunch Berries!

Cairo: Yea mommy!

I chuckled grabbing the cereal and the one Kyrie liked, I turned around seeing a stranger standing there smiling at me.

Stranger: So do I just call you mommy or do you have a name?

Cierre: That was a bad pick up line

Stranger: Hey I tried, I'm Shane.

Cierre: I'm taken

Shane: Doesn't mean we can't be friends

Cierre: Yea it does, my kids are here so it was nice meeting you Shane.

Shane: Pleasure was all mine

I could feel him staring at me, more specifically my ass as I walked off. After leaving the grocery store I just headed home, and cooked like I said. We were sitting down eating dinner, and I'd fed Cairo already so she was good.

Reign: Mommy met a man in the grocery store today

Kyrie almost choked on his drink, he looked up at me and then back at Reign. I glanced at her but kept eating.

Reign: Mommy made him go away but he wanted to be friends

Cierre: How was school Reign?

I said getting her off the topic, Kyrie looked at me again before giving Reign all of his attention. Once upstairs I was climbing into bed when Kyrie brought it up again.

Kyrie: No more going to the grocery store alone

Cierre: Funny

Kyrie: What was his name? I wanna know who he think he is introducing himself in front of my kids

Cierre: If it wasn't Kyrie then I don't really care to remember

Kyrie: That was smooth...goodnight.

I gave him a kiss before rolling over and letting sleep take over. The next day Kyrie took the girls for daddy-daughter day so I had time to do what I wanted. I was in the mall just browsing when I heard somebody clear their throat behind me. I turned around and saw Shane, was he good looking? Yea, but he had nothing on Kyrie.

Shane: Where are the kids?

Cierre: You don't get to ask that question

Shane: How come I still don't know your name?

Cierre: Maybe because you don't need too

Shane: Come on it's gotta be fate, we've met twice in a row.

Cierre: And how do I know you're not a stalker?

Shane: I wouldn't be asking your name if I was a stalker

Cierre: Cierre

Shane: Beautiful name for a beautiful woman

Cierre: Dude step up your game

I chuckled while walking off, once again I could feel his eyes watching my every move. I turned around and met his gaze.

Cierre: Only stalkers stare at people

He raised his hands in defeat before walking off in another direction, I shook my head. That was enough shopping for me. I headed back home, and the next day I went to dinner with Lauren and Ebony at a restaurant. I got there first so I was sitting waiting when I heard a familiar voice.

Shane: Now how do I know you're not the stalker?

Cierre: No fair that was my line

Shane: I was actually just leaving

Cierre: Nope

He sat down anyway making me smile lightly as I looked up from the menu seeing he was smiling right back at me.

Cierre: Dude I have a boyfriend

Shane: Damn I don't think I care

Cierre: Bold words

Shane: Guess what I broke my phone earlier today

Cierre: Lemme see

He reached in his pocket handing it over and I was actually sitting there looking at it trying to figure out what was wrong.

Cierre: What's wrong with it?

Shane: Your numbers not in it

Cierre: I like that one! Now all you gotta do is use it on somebody that's not me

I looked at my phone seeing Ebony and Lauren weren't gonna make it. I didn't see any harm in spending a little while longer entertaining Shane.

Shane: I get to keep you company?

Cierre: Looks like it's your lucky night

He kept me entertained for about 45 minutes before I decided it was time for me to go. I dropped 20 on the table and stood up.

Cierre: This was fun

Shane: So we can do it again?

Cierre: Never

He followed me to my car and I sighed as he stood in the way of me getting into the car. I folded my arms.

Cierre: Move

Shane: All you gotta do is give me a kiss

Cierre: Boy move aint nobody playing with you

He laughed stepping out my way and he smacked my ass gripping it making me gasp as I pushed him back.

Cierre: Hands off

I had a bad feeling that everything was about to go to shit...

A/N: Let me know how y'all feeling about Cierre right about now

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