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I was now 8 ½ months pregnant and Veronica had her baby, the baby came out white with blue eyes and blonde hair. Now neither Kyrie or Veronica have any of those 3 traits, so turns out somehow Veronica had asked to be inseminated but they gave her the wrong sperm. To sum everything up she was rather upset.

Reign: Mommy when is my little sibling coming? I don't like playing by myself

Cierre: They'll be here soon but you still have to wait until they're bigger to play

She nodded and remained still so I could finish doing her hair, I got up to go get some juice for Reign and when I was pouring it a sharp pain went through my body and a splashing noise was heard. Reign came running in but stopped when she saw me crouched over in pain.

Reign: Mommy did you drop my juice?

Cierre: Go get daddy Reign

She ran into the backyard where Kyrie was playing on the basketball court and soon he came in and looked at me.

Kyrie: That doesn't look like juice

Cierre: That's because it's not Andrew!

He dropped the basketball and helped me to sit down, he ran upstairs grabbing the hospital bag as I started calling all the important people. This baby was playing no games, these contractions were something serious.

Cierre: ANDREW!!

Kyrie: I'm coming! Come on Reign

He handed her the bag and got her to the car quickly and then came back and got me. We rode to the hospital, got Reign situated with Kyrie's dad and then Lauren came into the delivery room with me.

Dr. Jones: Are you ready Ms. Brown?

I nodded my head as Kyrie wiped some of the sweat back as he held my hand and my knee while looking at the same time. I was glad he was excited and everything but I couldn't think straight at the moment.

Kyrie: There she is! It's a girl bubba, you did it!

He kissed my head as they laid her on my chest, and Kyrie cut the cord. After everything had settled down family/friends started coming in to see her. Kyrie's sisters' were so obsessed with her.

Asia: What's her name?

Kyrie: What's her name Reign?

Reign: Cairo Symone Irving

London: I'm about to cry all over again

Cierre: Don't cry here you can hold her

The moment was just perfect, there was so much love in the room. The entire 8 ½ months was worth it and I'd do it all over again.

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