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The day of her birthday rolled around soonerrather than later, and I was excited. I was also 3 months pregnant today and Iwas going to tell Kyrie tonight. I got dressed in ^^ and walked downstairs to talk to Lauren and my other best friend Ebony.

Ebony: So you're going to tell him tonight?

Cierre: That's the plan

Lauren: Where is he anyway?

Cierre: I left him upstairs because he was trying to get nasty

They chuckled and soon he came walking downstairs and into the backyard making sure everything was still set up right. I had gotten Reign dressed in her outfit already and she was playing with some of the kids who were already here. Soon some of the other NBA wives/girlfriends came because our kids were friends.

I was just talking in the backyard happy with how everything turned out, Reign was happy so I was happy. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and I guess Lauren picked up on it.

Lauren: You okay?

Cierre: I-um yea.

Ebony: You sure?

Cierre: Yea just give me a minute

I walked in the house struggling to keep myself standing up, I pulled myself up the stairs and into the bathroom. Something was wrong...I could barely think when Kyrie came in the bathroom with a mischievous grin.

Kyrie: I'm happy and horny so I think we can make this quick

Cierre: Kyrie wait—

He wasn't listening, as he picked me up and sat me on the sink. I was slowly fading out of consciousness as he attacked my neck with kisses. I was losing strength all at the same time

Cierre: Kyrie...

His hand traveled under my dress and he made a face, when he removed his hand there was blood on it. The door then opened and Ebony stood there looking at me.

Ebony: Lay her down Kyrie

Kyrie: What's going on?

He asked still doing what she said, then came in Lauren crouching down beside me. She faintly whispered 'Oh no'.

Cierre: This can't be happening again...

Kyrie: Again? What the hell is going on? Cierre—

That was the last thing Iheard before all I saw was darkness 

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