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Kyrie made the decision that when Veronica has her baby he'd go just to get a test done immediately, if it was even necessary. Over the next couple of weeks I was just really focused with getting this nursery together, but tonight Kyrie decided to invite some of the team over and all I'm gonna say is my hormones were raging.


I yelled loudly, I was glad Reign was with Lauren and those. My mother would be the designated babysitter after I have the baby because she'll be flying in to visit for a while. I sat myself on the dresser hearing Kyrie running up the stairs. He came in obviously panicked until he saw me sitting on the dresser.

Kyrie: What's wrong?

Cierre: Close the door

He did as I said and I motioned for him to come closer with my finger. He did as I said placing his hands on both sides of me.

Kyrie: How can I help you?

Cierre: All I need is about 10 minutes or less of your time

I smiled slightly while playing with the waistband of his shorts. He chuckled at me grabbing my hand before I did anything outrageous.

Kyrie: After they leave—

Cierre: I didn't say later, I said now. Come on we haven't had a quickie in a while and all I'm asking for is 10 minutes.

I stuck my hand in his pants and began pumping him slowly, he let a low groan out and at I could feel him getting harder by the second.

Kyrie: Hold on—

He moved away from me exiting the room, I thought he wasn't going to come back at first but he did with pillows and blankets setting them up on the floor.

Kyrie: 10 minutes or less

I was about to respond but he set me up on all fours rather quick. I grabbed onto the crib for support as he entered me without warning. I was biting my lip to try and keep my moans as quiet as possible. It didn't take him long to develop a rhythm and he was hitting my spot with every thrust.

Cierre: shit...

I could feel my high approaching fast, and he started to speed up trying to keep his groans as quiet as possible. Pretty soon my legs started shaking as I released and with a couple more rough strokes he was emptying his load inside of me.

Cierre: Alright Kyrie, you can go back downstairs now

Kyrie: One more time

He started thrusting again and I couldn't even argue with him as he pounded inside of me. It was getting harder not to moan out loud. His groans started getting a little louder as his grip on my waist tightened.

Kyrie: Fuck...you're so tight!

With every thrust what was supposed to be a moan came out more as a whimper. My knuckles turned white from gripping the crib so tight.

Kyrie: I'm gonna cum

Cierre: Cum baby

He groaned rather loudly as he released inside of me again, riding out his high. He caught his breath but he still didn't pull out.

Kyrie: Last time I promise

Cierre: Kyrie I'm already pregnant—fuck!

He began thrusting again and I moaned out again I was trying not to cum but it didn't work. I released without warning, I think the sound of our skin slapping together was turning him on more. I was starting to sweat, my plan had backfired completely.

I looked back and Kyrie had his eyes closed and his hands still on my waist, I don't know when he'd taken off his shirt. His mouth gaped open letting out groans as he continued to thrust in and out of me. I watched his face start to twist up and I felt him twitch inside of me as his strokes got sloppy and he released inside of me for the third time.

Kyrie: Shit....

Cierre: Okay Kyrie, no more.

Kyrie: Okay.

He finally got up putting his clothes back on, helping me stand as I slid his shirt back down. I shook my head exiting the room slightly limping to our room.

Cierre: This how I ended up pregnant in the first place

He chuckled going back down the stairs as I went to take a shower and go to sleep, Kyrie Andrew Irving is a walking workout.

A/N: I swear to y'all I was weak asf writing this for some reason, how y'all liking the story so far though?

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