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Reign ^^

Lately Reign had started to get interested in watching basketball, thanks to my 2 brothers. She had been begging me to take her to a game so my oldest brother bought us tickets along with my best-friend, Lauren.

Lauren: You excited Reign?

Reign: Yea!

We took our seats and I was watching the players warm up while Reign played a game on my phone to pass the time.

Lauren: Take her down there to get a closer look Cierre

I nodded grabbing my phone and picking her up walking down as close to the players as we could get. I was pointing out certain things to her as I watched her face light up in awe, they had some of the players were walking by talking to the kids. When I looked up, I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing. I was looking at Kyrie Irving...and he was looking at me.

Kyrie: Cierre...

Cierre: Reign say bye-bye

Reign: Wait mommy

Kyrie: Mommy? She's cute

Cierre: Thank you

Reign: I watched you on TV

He simply chuckled, my heart was beating out my chest but I was managing to keep my composure.

Kyrie: Who's your daddy?

Reign: I don't---

Cierre: We're going back to our seats now

I walked off going back to our seat, I looked at Lauren and she must've read the look on my face because she put her phone away.

Lauren: What is it?

Soon they started calling the names of the players and Kyrie popped up on the big-screen and her eyes widened.

Lauren: This that nigga team! You wanna leave?

I sighed, Reign was so happy even though I don't think she knew what was going on. I didn't want to take that away from her.

Cierre: We'll stay

I was fidgety throughout the entire game and during half-time Kyrie was the first person off the court. After a couple of minutes, a large man approached us.

Man: Mr. Irving asked me to come and get you

I handed Reign over to Lauren and took a breath following him down the stairs and to the locker room. He led me to a room where Kyrie was pacing back and forth, I shut the door behind me.

Cierre: What do—?

Kyrie: Just let me talk! Let me talk okay!? Is that my daughter?

Trust the Process {Kyrie Irving}Where stories live. Discover now