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I was inconsolable for the next 4 days no matter how hard Lauren tried but I had to get myself together because I was a mommy before anything.

Reign: Mommy? When are we going back to daddy's house?

No matter how mad I was at him, I'd never keep Reign away from him. I packed her a small bag for a couple of days driving over there. I rang the doorbell and he opened it obviously shocked to see me.

Reign: Daddy!

I handed her over and he smiled as I stepped inside, I handed him her bag. I cleared my throat before speaking.

Cierre: I'll be back to get her Monday after your game

I turned and walked up the stairs, I heard his footsteps behind me. I walked into the closet putting some more of my stuff in a bag, when I turned around he was standing in the doorway watching me.

Kyrie: I miss you

I didn't respond continuing to put things in the bag, he snatched the bag away from me dropping it behind him.

Kyrie: Please just stay, we can work this out.

I pushed past him grabbing the bag, zipping it up. I walked back down the stairs seeing Reign sitting watching TV.

Cierre: Come give me a hug Reign, love you pooh!

I smothered her in kisses making her laugh, I stood up letting her run back to the sofa. Kyrie was standing by the door, and he opened it as I was walking out.

Kyrie: I'm not going to give up Cierre, I promised you I'd never leave you again...and I broke that promise but now I have a new promise. I'm never going to let go of you again

I had stopped listening to him but then I got in the car cranking it up pulling off. Our next few exchanges were through Reign and Reign only. He was trying super hard and it warmed my heart but still.

A month had gone by and today I was going to pick Reign up from his house because he was going to have to get to practice soon. I walked in the house and I heard them laughing upstairs, so I followed the noise finding them in Reign's room having a tea party.

Reign: Mommy come join us

Cierre: We have to go Reign, daddy has practice

Kyrie: I got a little time

Reign: Come on mommy

I glanced at Kyrie before taking a seat at the small table, she handed me a cup of the "tea" and I sipped it.

Cierre: The tea is great pooh

She and Kyrie exchanged looks making me raise an eyebrow, as Reign got up grabbing some plates. She put down Kyrie's and he had a fake cookie on it, she put down mine and it was a car key.

Cierre: Who key is this Reign?

Kyrie: Yours

He offered me his hand but I stood up on my own, picking up Reign. He sighed leading me to the garage, sitting there was a new black Mercedes.

Kyrie: It's an apology gift...I know it's gonna take a lot more but I figured I'd start here. Plus you can't reject it cause I had some people get rid of your car during the tea party.

I glanced over at him, before putting Reign in the car. I didn't get in myself just yet though, I walked over to him.

Cierre: Thank you for the car Mr. Irving

Kyrie: Can I ask you to join me for dinner tomorrow evening?

Cierre: Where?

Kyrie: I'll text you the address...I love you Cierre.

Cierre: I know.

I got in the car, and he opened the garage so I could pull off. We got back to Lauren's house, and she came outside to look at the car.

Lauren: He definitely took a step in the right direction, let me take a picture and send it to Ebony.

I chuckled heading in thehouse.    

Trust the Process {Kyrie Irving}Where stories live. Discover now