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The next day I didn't see Kyrie at all, he had practice and interviews and a game that night. Reign and I were unpacking everything, the next day was the exact same. That entire week I rarely saw Kyrie but one night I was up waiting on him and somebody knocked on the door. I opened it seeing Veronica, I rolled my eyes.

Cierre: Kyrie isn't here

Veronica: Just give him this

She extended an envelope to me but I didn't grab it, just raised my eyebrow at first. It could've been anything in there.

Cierre: Is it a bomb or something?

Veronica: What? No! Just give it to him

I grabbed the envelope shutting the door in her face, I sat down at the table. I wasn't waiting until he got here to open the envelope, and what I saw was enough to make me lose my cool. He walked in the house seeing me sitting at the table.

Kyrie: Hey love, I would hug you but I'm sweaty

Cierre: Veronica stopped by

Kyrie: What'd she want?

I stood up pushing the envelope into his chest, I looked into his eyes speaking through gritted teeth.

Cierre: Congratulations, you've got two babies on the way

I went to walk off as he opened the envelope looking at the pregnancy test, the sonogram pictures, and the paperwork stating she was pregnant.

Kyrie: Cierre wait! There's no way this baby is mine

Cierre: As in 0% chance

Kyrie: Well maybe not 0 but not 100 either, not even 50. She's a hoe

Cierre: Careful don't speak about the mother of your child that way

Kyrie: She's not the mother of my child, you're the mother of my children!

Cierre: Don't yell you might wake up Reign.

Kyrie: Look I really don't think this baby is mine

Cierre: All I'm saying is at a point in time you didn't think Reign was yours either

I continued to walk up the stairs and his footsteps were close behind me, he grabbed my hand and I turned around slapping him.

Cierre: *sigh* give me my space Kyrie

I entered our room shutting the doors, I asked for space and I got 2 whole days of it. He had to go to a conference and that was more than enough time for me to cool off. When he came back it was nighttime and I was up, sitting in the babies' room on my laptop ordering stuff for the baby. He walked in the room sitting down on the floor beside me.

Kyrie: Can't say I expected you to jump into my arms when I came in but also didn't expect this

Cierre: How was your conference?

Kyrie: I would've rather been here, listen Cierre—I'm telling you confidently I don't believe Veronica's baby is mine.

Cierre: Okay

Kyrie: Ok? Just ok.

Cierre: Yea ok, there's a 50% chance you're right and a 50% chance you're wrong. She's a hoe I can't expect her to be too sure. I guess I can try and go to sleep now

He stood up and I offered him my hands which he grabbed and helped me stand up. He bent down kissing my 5 month old belly.

Kyrie: I love you baby, and I love you mommy.

Cierre: Love you too

He kissed my lips as wewalked to our room and called it a night.    

Trust the Process {Kyrie Irving}Where stories live. Discover now