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When I woke up I was in a hospital bed. It was dark outside, and Kyrie was beside me sleeping.

Cierre: Kyrie—

My voice came out pretty hoarse but he still heard me jolting awake. He handed me the water that was sitting on the tray.

Kyrie: Hey, let me get the doctor.

He disappeared shortly but returned with the doctor, both of them stood on opposite sides of me, obviously the bearer of bad news.

Dr. Hank: Ms. Brown, you were—

Cierre: 3 months pregnant

Kyrie: Wait—you knew? Why didn't you tell me?

Cierre: I was going to tell you tonight—Reign's party was earlier right?

Kyrie: Reign's party was yesterday, you were unconscious from losing a lot of blood.

Cierre: Well I was going to tell you yesterday night, is Reign okay?

Kyrie: She's worried but fine

Dr. Hank: I'm sorry Ms. Brown but you lost the baby, we're not sure what the cause was exactly but you should be able to go home in the morning.

Cierre: Thank you

I let out a sigh as he exited, until I just started crying. Kyrie handed me a tissue wrapping his arms around me.

Kyrie: It's okay bubba

Cierre: I'm sorry, I know how much you wanted this baby.

Kyrie: We've got nothing but time babe, we can have another baby.

He let me get myself together before calling Lauren & Ebony who were watching Reign. He'd already been in contact with my mom and brothers so yea.

Kyrie: I have a question

Cierre: What?

Kyrie: Before you fainted you said 'This can't be happening again' what did you mean again?

My heart dropped, I had a secret that I was planning to take to my grave. But no secrets can stay a secret forever.

Cierre: Reign wasn't the first time I'd been pregnant...you got me pregnant when I was 15. I'm pretty sure it happened at that sleepover we went too...but I lost that baby.

Kyrie: And you never told me?

Cierre: I never told anyone, only my oldest brother knew because he was there when it happened.

He didn't say anything for the rest of the night, when we got back to the house that morning Reign was excited to see me and for a little while she eased the pain.

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