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Over the next 2 weeks I just felt guiltier and guiltier and finally I just decided I would just tell Kyrie what happened.

Cierre: Bae sit down we need to talk

Kyrie: I got practice—

Cierre: I know but it's important.

He sat down in front of me and I took a breath, this was about to go very-very badly for me. I finally opened my mouth to speak.

Cierre: I made a mistake babe

Kyrie: What'd you do?

Cierre: You remember at the table that night Reign said I'd met somebody at the store

Kyrie: Yea...

Cierre: Well I kept seeing him almost everywhere I went and he talked to me each time.

Kyrie: So he stalking you?

Cierre: Let me finish...the night of that party I-we-

Kyrie: You cheated on me?

I nodded my head yes, and he just looked at me blinking. He stood up chuckling slightly before grabbing my face forcing him to look at him.

Kyrie: You fucked another nigga?

Cierre: I'm so sorry it just happened

Kyrie: If you let this nigga finish in you we done—

Cierre: No! He didn't even finish Kyrie, sit back down!

Kyrie: Fuck all that Cierre

Cierre: I'm sorry! It'll never happen again

Kyrie: What was that nigga name?

Cierre: Shane

Kyrie: So you lied to me when I asked

Cierre: I didn't think it'd be important—

Kyrie: Obviously you did if you let that nigga fuck you

Cierre: Stop! At least I fucking told you, I had to walk in on you to find out. I only fucked up once you did it multiple times

Kyrie: We not talking about my fuck ups, we talking about your hypocritical ass fuck ups!

Cierre: At least you don't gotta worry about him coming back saying he pregnant—

Kyrie: Yea but your stupid ass could be, hell how I know you aint got nothing

Cierre: I went and got tested last week I don't got nothing and I'm not pregnant. I love you and I'm so sorry Kyrie

Kyrie: Whatever man I'm leaving.

With that he walked out thedoor, I didn't know if he was going to come back home but he did. He justdidn't speak to me, he played with the kids put them to bed and he slept in hisman cave. It was like that for the next 3 days but then he had a game thatnight. So I got the kids ready and then I put on ^^^ and we headed to the arena and I was telling Lauren how things were going.

Lauren: You can't have them all Cierre

Cierre: I don't want them all, I want Kyrie...

He was hurting from all of this and it was my fault, this was an important game so I hope it didn't distract him too much. I glanced up at the big screen because they were putting random people up, and when I looked up Shane was on the screen. He smiled and waved

Cierre: Oh my god! Lauren!

Lauren: What?

Cierre: Shane is here

Lauren: I knew that nigga was a stalker

I glanced over at Reign who was clapping for Kyrie, we'd left Cairo with Ebony because she wasn't feeling good.

Cierre: What imma do?

Lauren: Avoid him

I nodded, at the end of the game Kyrie and the guys had won. I smiled taking Reign down and he turned around walking towards us taking Reign out my arms.

Cierre: I'm proud of you babe

Kyrie: Thank you

He kissed my forehead looking down at me, I heard somebody calling my name. I turned around seeing Shane approaching.

Kyrie: Yo who's that?

Cierre: Shane...

He handed Reign back to me and before Shane could even reach me Kyrie punched him knocking him down. Shane got back up punching Kyrie but before Kyrie could swing again the team separated the two having security kick out Shane. I felt like I couldn't breathe as I followed him to the back giving Reign to Lauren.

Cierre: Kyrie! Wait!

He turned around fuming, I was probably the last person he wanted to see right now yet here I was.

Cierre: Are you okay?


I flinched slightly when he raised his voice, I was trying to form a sentence but I started stuttering and I was trying not to cry.

Cierre: I'm so sorry Kyrie...I love you so much and you hate me now and it's all my fault. I never wanted—

His facial expression lightened as he stepped towards me tilting my head up kissing my lips. He pulled away leaning his forehead against mine.

Kyrie: I could never hate you, I love you too much. We're gonna be okay bub

Trust the Process {Kyrie Irving}Where stories live. Discover now