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Day by day we were sending boxes over to the new house and we were getting new furniture, I was on Face-time with my mom while packing up Reign's toys.

             Mom: I can't wait to come and visit

            Cierre: We have stairs plus Logan and Princeton are gonna wanna come with you.

Soon Reign came running in the room holding 2 of her Barbie dolls, I diverted my attention to her immediately.

Cierre: What's wrong?

Reign: There's a lady at the door looking for daddy

              Cierre: Imma talk to you later mom, say hey to grandma Reign.

              Reign: Hey granny!

              Mom: Hey baby-girl! Love you

              Reign: Love you too

I hung up the phone walking down the stairs and I immediately recognized the woman as 'Veronica' AKA the bitch that slept with Kyrie.

Cierre: What're you doing in my house?

Veronica: Oh god he's still keeping you around

Cierre: So sorry to disappoint but yes I'm still here and I'll be here next year and the year after that

Veronica: Hopefully

Cierre: KYRIE!!!!

My voice echoed through the house, he came inside from the backyard seeing Veronica standing there.

Kyrie: Why're you here?

Veronica: We need to talk

Kyrie: There's nothing we need to say to each other

Veronica: Yes there is—

Kyrie: You're right, leave me and my family alone and never come back.

Veronica: But what about us?

Kyrie: Please don't make me use bad language in front of my child

He pushed her hard enough to get her out the house and he shut the door. I walked back up the stairs and did a walk through making sure we had everything we were taking. We then got in the car riding to the new house.

Kyrie: Are you mad?

Cierre: For the next couple of months I'm not getting worked up on problems you created, you handle it.

The rest of the car ride was silent...

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