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I was invited to a mansion party as a specialguest so that would be the end of my busy week. It was nice to have a breakaway from mommy duties though. I got dressed in^^^ gave everybody kisses and away I went. At the party I didn't know too many people but I was talking to some.

Shane: Tell me it's not fate now

Cierre: Nah tell me you not stalking me

Shane: My friend is the DJ

He waved his hand and the DJ waved back giving him a thumbs up, Shane looked me up and down licking his lips.

Shane: You still got a boyfriend?

Cierre: Yep.

I finished my drink putting it down on the counter, he continued to talk to me. He was actually nice to talk too so slightly drunk 'Cierre' gave him my number, but then he pulled me towards him grabbing two handfuls of my ass I was so thankful it was dark.

Cierre: Get off me Shane

Shane: Just let me love you

He leaned down nibbling on my neck making me moan softly. He turned me over so my ass was on his dick, and I definitely felt it poking. He did a small thrust making me moan again.

Shane: Let me get inside you ma

I brought his head down connecting our lips and our tongues wrestled for dominance. He grabbed my hand pulling me through the crowd until we got to a bathroom. We reconnected our lips as he shut the door, pushed up my dress, and sat me on the sink. We hungrily kissed as I undid his belt quickly grabbing his dick, making him groan into the kiss.

Cierre: You're so big daddy

Shane: Let daddy make you feel good

He pulled out his hard member, and slid my panties to the side entering me slowly. He was pretty big and Kyrie and I hadn't been active in a while so I hissed slightly.

Shane: Fuck you're tight!

He began thrusting inside of me burying his head in the crook of my neck, occasionally he would bite down.

Cierre: Yes daddy!

Shane: You like that shit?!

He pounded inside of me and once I came I finally realized what had just happened. I pushed him away from me fixing my clothes.

Cierre: Stay away from me

I exited the bathroom ignoring him calling after me, I got to my car and went home. I immediately showered feeling guilty about everything. I had to block his number because he wouldn't stop calling/texting me.

Cierre: I love you Kyrie.

Kyrie: I love you too.

This is why I don't leave the damn house. I really fucked up, and all I could do was try and make it right.

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