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Since majority of Reign and I's belongings were packed it was easy to bring all our stuff back. I couldn't front and say I wasn't happy to be back in the house.

We'd been house hunting for the past couple of months and it was so freaking difficult to do with Kyrie. We were currently at Savannah and LeBron's house because they'd invited us over for dinner.

Kyrie: There was a house we found and it was amazing

Cierre: It was a total bachelor pad

Savannah: Well how many houses are left?

Cierre: We're going to see 2 tomorrow

LeBron: Well I hope you two finally agree on a house

I glanced over at Kyrie,but I had hope tomorrow would be the end of our search. The next day we got upand I got dressed and we dropped Reign off at Ebony's house. We got to the house and I fell in love before we even walked in, it was gorgeous. It had pretty much everything we wanted, except a basketball court but Kyrie said we could just have one built. (House in MM)

Kyrie made a call and just like that it was our house. I was walking around some more decorating in my head.

Cierre: I think Reign will really love it, and I've already got ideas in my head on how to do the nursery

Kyrie: Yea—wait nursery?

Cierre: Yea nursery.

He smiled picking me up and spinning me but also being gentle. I smiled, I was happy to be having another baby but that doesn't mean I wasn't scared. This was going to be the 'perfect pregnancy' no stress.

Kyrie: How far along are you?

Cierre: 4 ½ months

Kyrie: Damn, that's farther than I expected

Cierre: I know, let's get home and share the great news with Reign.

We got home and Reign wasbeyond excited, I hoped an age gap of 4 years wouldn't be too bad for her.    

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