Chapter 31

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"How's Gigi?" I asked midway to the elevator we were to take.

"She is great, misses her buddy power but she's good, grown and growing. My dude Power here right?"

"That's good and he is. So is my father, daughter, attorney and his wife and kids."

"Damn this a family home huh?" He joked as I pressed the elevator button for up.

"I wish. I'm more unorthodox than you know."

"Good I can't wait to get to know. I don't want a boring girl anyhow."

I laughed, "Where does these labels come from?"

"What that you my girl? Because you is. I flew all this way. We married woman."

Steph led me into his arms as we got onto the elevator together.

"You've always been this funny?"

"Nah I try. So when's your court date?"

"Soon I'm hoping."

"How dude doing?"

"Not too good. He's uh on life support." I uttered as the doors closed.

"Well like I said. I'm here, and I wanna know all about it. Your fears, your goals, everything."

"You're unbelievable."

"Well believe baby. You so damn gorgeous I feel lucky just to be your friend."

"Oh you're my friend now?" I giggled as the elevator beeped and the doors opened.

"Hell im whatever you let me be. Mean girl. These damn condos niceeee, we gone get us one?"

I gleamed at him speechless as we walked towards the condo.

"Meet my dad first then we can see about all of these dreams."

Steph shrugged chuckling as I twisted the key and entered the condo where cartoons were playing and the smell of dinner was simmering.

"Who is this?" My father asked greeting me at the door.

"This is Steph dad, a really good friend of mine. His daughter attends school with Power."

Just as I said that power entered with the biggest smile at the sight of Steph.

"Stephhhhh!" He shouted rushing over and Steph picked him up.

"What's up dude. How you doing sir, I'm Steph it's a pleasure to meet you." He spoke holding his hand out for my father who was hesitant.

"You're madisons friend?" He asked reaching and taking power from him calmly.

"Yes sir I am, she's a very beautiful young lady if I may add."

"Dad don't make this like high school I'm an adult. Stephs really here for emotional support and I wouldn't have him here if it was against my best judgement.

My father absorbed what I said as he loosened his grip and nodded.

"This is my baby, these, they are all my babies. Now Madison introduced you as her friend I expect you to behave just as that while you're welcomed here."

"Yes sir' you have my word. I have a daughter myself sir and I understand sincerely."

My father shook his head in unison as he stared into Steph's eyes for reassurance of his word before departing.

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