❈ᴛʜᴇ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ᴏɴᴇ❈

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She said she's Taehyung's fairy godmother.. Fairy... SHE'S A FAIRY!!!

"Why are you so shocked sweetheart?", Euphoria asked me while petting my hands.

"I thought fairies didn't exist", I confessed.

"Of course we do. Look around you. Don't you see? Look closer Y/N", Euphoria said, her voice being soothing. I looked around me and I did see more glowing humans . They were tiny and had wings. It was so magical. This garden was magical.

"Do you see now?", Euphoria whispered and I nodded.

"Since when do you exist?", I asked while looking around when I finally looked into her eyes.

"Since the beginning of this world. But we hid ourselves because of dragons.Dragons were our enemies. They would haunt us because they became more powerful if they ate us. Fairies felt safer around humans, but when we tried to get closer to humans, we saw that we caused chaos. Dragons never cared about humans. All they wanted is to find the fairies hiding amongst them. We were so afraid of dragons that we hid away until one particular human was born. I,the queen of all fairies and my sisters realized that this human was the savior of humanity. We secretly visited his house and gifted him with amazing powers. My sisters and I found five more people and gave them powers. Each one of us became a godmother to the six people. We devoted our lives, caring and protecting the six kids until they became men and were finally ready to rule the world in peace. They made a promise to keep humans and fairies and every creature that lived on this earth, safe from the dragons. The earth was once again, a safe place."

I listened carefully at her words. I was left with my jaw dropped and my eyes widened. The kids she was referring to, they were the six. Taehyung and his friends. I can't believe it. All this new information I learned. I can't believe that fairies exist and Taehyung and the Five are the reason they're alive.

"Wow, that's... Amazing", I exhaled a big breath.

"Well you know what's more amazing?", Euphoria said and smiled at me. I tilted my head and furrowed my eyebrows as I didn't quite understand what she means.

"What?", I asked full of curiosity.

"My mother, the Queen of all fairies, told me that one day, the earth would be saved by six people, and the Sixth will be the strongest one. He will have a kind heart and an amazing personality that intrigues you to find out more about him. And one day, he will open his heart to someone who will be the reason for his true happiness. My mother knew about you and Taehyung. And she was right. You're the one who can make him truly happy. You're the one who can keep him calm and relaxed. You're his new Euphoria Y/N", she said these words which made my eyes widen in shock, but I felt happiness wash all over my body.
I'm the reason Taehyung can be happy and he's the reason I'm happy. I looked at her and smiled widely. She hugged me and I could hear her slightly sobbing. Some lonely tears escaped my eyes as well.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this. Y/N, promise that you'll take good care of him.", Euphoria said and wiped her tears away.

"I promise", I said and looked at her eyes to let her know that I was being completely honest.

"Hello? Godmother?", a voice from afar shouted. Soon Taehyung appeared out of the bushes and looked at me and Euphoria, while his eyes went wide.

"Y/N? You-you... I guess you met Euphoria huh?", he said and smiled at me and came near me and her.

"I did. She's an amazing person", I said and smiled at her.

"Fairy my dear. An amazing fairy", she said and we all laughed.

"So, she told you everything I guess?", Taehyung said and I simply nodded.

"Godmother! I wanted to be the one to tell her...", Taehyung pouted and I found his reaction very cute.

"Oh, don't worry about it. It's okay", I said and caressed his face. He smiled at me and pecked my lips.

"So what do you think of her Godmother?", Taehyung said while grabbing my waist and bringing me by his side.

"She's prettier than I imagined. Kind, charming, caring, funny and loving. She is the right one", Euphoria said and I smiled widely at her.

"I know she is", Taehyung said and looked into my eyes. This look that makes me want to melt into his arms. This look that I love.

"I love you", Taehyung whispered and i slightly giggled

"I know you do. I love you too", I said and caressed his face and he kissed me, making me feel in a magical way, every time he does so...

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Make sure you vote, I love you all and thank you for the support ❤️

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