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Yes, I've read them all. Or... most of them. All those "Adopted by fill-in-the-blank-with-whatever-fandom-you're-dedicated-to". It's been an escape from my own sad life, living vicariously through these characters who's dreams always come true; being adopted by their favourite band! And yes, maybe you've read them all as well, so my story may not be anything special, but it's special to me.

My name is Evelyn. Just Evelyn. I don't care for my former last name, they were never my family anyway.

As you've probably guessed, I am an orphan. I live in a foster home. I'm sad, I'm anxious, I feel unloved in this place I'm supposed to call "home". Just what you'd expect from another one of these stories. Sorry, I'm cliche. What's not so cliche, though, is that I have hope. Things will get better one day, right? I'll be adopted by a loving family who will see the best in me when not many other people could. But, for now I'm just a socially anxious 13 year old girl with a crippling fear of rejection. That may be why I rarely leave my room.

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A/N: so this is just my take on an Adopted (by MCR/Gerard Way) Fic.

it's set in 2006 but I was a small child back then so this isn't going to be historically accurate. she reads fanfic, first of all. is that a 2006 thing?? Idek

my goal word count for each chapter will be about 1000-1600 words. wide range, but I don't know how this is going to go yet, so I'm giving myself space.

If you get triggered by eating disorders or self harm this may not be for you. Stay safe, read at your own risk.

POV is Evelyn's unless otherwise stated. Gee is single, Bob doesn't exist.

hope you enjoy :)

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