When You're Part of The Parade

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Things have been changing around here. Gerard has short, white hair, for starters. But, he and the others have been very busy recently and now I know why.

"Let us know when you're done," he told me, handing me a pair of headphones. I sat in my room alone with the lights turned off, letting the music wash over me.

He said I was one of the first people to listen to their new album, The Black Parade, the whole way through. I may have cried on more than one occasion while I was listening. The moment that got to me the most is when I recognized 'Sleep' as the song he hummed to me as I fell asleep the night of my panic attack.

Other than that, what can I say? I'm a proud daughter.

Also, it was just fucking amazing. Really, I'm speechless.

I leave my room and go straight the the living room where I find the guys hanging out, waiting for me. I put the headphones Gee gave me on the coffee table and collapse onto the couch and just stare at the wall. They're all looking at me expectantly, but I'm speechless, remember?

"What's she doing?" Frank whispers loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I don't know," Mikey whispers back.

"Did we break her?" Ray asks no one in particular.

"I think so," Gee nods once then crouches in front of me, "Evelyn, blink once if you're okay."

I keep staring at the wall, fighting a smile. I think he can tell. But hey, there's one thing I'm good at, I guess; not blinking. I could beat any of these guys in a staring contest, I bet.

"It's official, guys," Gee stands up again, looking around at the others, "She's broken. The Black Parade killed her."

"I guess you could say I'm... Dead!" Come on, I couldn't pass up that opportunity.

"Are you not okay?" Mikey chimes in.

"Do you promise?" Frank adds.

"Guys, I'm dead," I sigh, "I think it's safe to say I'm not o-fucking-kay."

Gerard laughs. "But you liked it?" He asks.

"No." It doesn't have the falsely disappointing effect I was hoping for as I can't keep a straight face, so I quickly add, "I loved it!"

I jump up off the couch and hug them each in turn, saving Frank for last. When I get to him I stick out my hand instead just to see what he'll do. He looks down at it confused, grabs it hesitantly, and we shake hands. I can't keep the smile off my face.

"You're a weird kid, you know that?" He laughs then pulls me into a hug.

"Yep," I say simply.

"So, Eve, I have another thing for you to review," Gee says. "Wait here." He goes to the kitchen and comes back with a cardboard box. The other guys gather around him excitedly.

"They came!?" Ray asks eagerly.

"Yeah," Gee nods, opening up the box.

I watch, puzzled. What could this be? And he said he wanted me to review it? What?

Ray is the first to pull something out of the box. It's a super cool looking jacket (you know the ones). Frank, Mikey, and then Gerard each pull one out of the box too and they all put them on.

"Rad." Frank says admiring his jacket.

"So, what do you think, Eve?" Gee asks me.

"I think they look great. Like, really, really cool." I say. I really do mean it.

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